After spending Friday just wandering around the city and whiling away the hours in coffee shops, we noticed that a runway was being assembled in the main square. So we returned at 7.30 that evening to enjoy the show, which turned out to be a completely hilarious version of Miss World! All these girls from a variety of Central/ South American countires came out one by one, each more scantily clad than the previous, and wearing banners. They'd strut to the front and promote their country's culture, typical dress and food - it was a tourism promotion for the region apparently. But the most ridiculous thing was that Canada was included in it! A woman came out dressed all in white with snowflakes hanging off her arm (Canada's typical dress, obviously) then started speaking in heavily (Mexican) accented English that she would speak in her 'native tongue' ... Come now! After dinner, we bumped into some girls from our tour so had a drink with them which was nice, all the nicer due to the cheap caiprinha's!
Saturday we headed down to the bus station to book our tickets to Oaxaca for that evening, to discover that the demd thing was fully booked, disaster! Luckily there was another cheap one, but it left 4 hours earlier and arrived in Oaxaca at 6.15am... Still budget coming before comfort (always) we swiftly booked it, happily noting that we were once more right next to the toilet. We perused the craft markets for a bit where a man tried to spectacularly rip us off, inflating the price 8 times what the other stalls were charging! I told him "I'm not stupid" and we both gave him really dirty looks, and threw down the purse. An attempt at another purchase at a another stall resulted in the price doubling in the 10 mins since we'd last enquired... Fair? Absolutely. We managed to find a really nice second hand bookshop though so traded in all our reads for new ones in preparation for our epic flight.
Then to the bus stop we headed. I must say, that the way in which they're run doesn't exactly inspire confidence with regards to you not missing your bus; the luggage labelling system is non-existant (ie a long queue of people with no-one at the front desk) and there's one man shouting out destinations. If you approach him he retreats behind his glass door apparently not keen to help. I managed to actually talk to him, showing him our ticket for 18.05 (it was 18.15 by this point and we had no way of knowing if the bus had come and gone, or simply not yet arrived) to which he just shook his finger at me, really clearing that one up!
We arrived in Oaxaca slightly earlier than the forecasted time - 5.20am, feeling lovely and fresh after a sweaty ride - the a/c had worked intermittently, and seeing as we didn't fancy traipsing through Oaxaca in the dark we sat down in the terminal to read until dawn.
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