It's funny, when you tell them you're heading overseas on an indefinite adventure people always say that you fall in love with your home so much before you go and if you're single then you definitely find a man (/woman) - usually before you get on the plane which is what inevitably draws you back again. Considering that this is an open blog I'm not going to divulge too many details about my love life - but I can say, that contrary to previous declarations, I am planning to fall in love while I'm away. I'm lacking passion in my life and whether it is with a person, a place, an occupation or an inanimate object, I guarantee there will be animated hearts, stars and cupids circling my head when I return, and if there aren't, then I'm not ready to come home!
Back to my original point though, (I just know I'm going to fail miserably at the self inflicted word count), I think the reason people start to appreciate their surrounds more and sometimes do find love before they leave is because of a wonderful thing that happens to you right before your adventure begins. The secret of it is that once you've planned your trip, booked your ticket and quit your job it's almost like an immediate injection of travel confidence heroine. You see your surroundings through a new set of eyes, you listen to your friends and family with a new set of ears and you begin to understand how you fit into the intricate organism that is your life. The sun will still rise and set and the world will still spin in your absence but it's knowing that there is a place where you fit in to it all that will be there waiting for you to return, like a doe eyed puppy, that just tugs a little at the heart strings.
Anyone who knows me knows that I am a bit of a homebody; I love to go out but mostly prefer to stay in. This kind of behaviour is probably what has lead to me to being in this predicament; however I have to admit that as much as up until this point I would have made a great partner, wife, mother etc - I'm pretty glad that I'm not. I honestly believe that as mature as I may have seemed in the past I've never really been ready for it. Of course it's been hard being a notorious single lady, the third, fifth, seventh wheel at every get together with close friends, but now that I've made it to the other side and I feel fitter, wiser and more confident than ever before and I know that, although I'll be attacking them much later in life, if those opportunities do ever come my way I can handle them. No fears. No doubts. No regrets.
As I look around I can't help but ask myself "What am I going to miss the most?" and on the surface that answer is simple, my family. But when I really think about it there are things that I take for granted every day that I know I will cherish with all my heart when I get back, for example, having my own room and bathroom that I don't have to share with anyone, ever - that will be a big one. Or not having to check the location of my valuables three times a day. Being able to throw my dirty washing in a basket and not have to think about them for another week... or two... lets face it, until I've searched high and low for said item and then thrown it in a quick cycle to freshen it up. Extended travel is really going to test me, it will force me out of my comfort zone and challenge me every day - I'm going to hate it and love it at the same time. I know, I'm a complicated creature but when all is said and done I couldn't be any more proud of myself for setting this goal and seeing it through. I may not have left yet and with all this talk as if I'm never coming home (don't worry mum and Julz, I definitely am) and the fact that I may get three months in and jump on the first plane home, the point of it is that I did it. However long this adventure is, at least I made it happen and that for me has been the hardest part of it all. Self pride and confidence has never, ever, been my forte but I'm glad it's finally here because it feels great and if I'm honest, I think it suits me.
- comments
Julia Proud of you. No matter what, you did it!
Mum Always have been proud of you my amazing girl!
Tom healey Ah lil, loved reading this so far. And seeing you today! Have a blast and may you explode with all the joy coming your way- in a good way of course. Much love, safe journey und Herzlich Willkommen zu Deutschland!! xx