So, approximately seventeen months ago I decided that enough is enough and that it was time to get serious about saving for the trip I'd been talking about going on for years but kept making excuses about. I had to stop being a 'gonna' person and start being the doer that I knew I really was. Like all good stories however, there is always an obstacle that the main character has to overcome and, as most of you reading this would know, mine was depression. Don't worry I'm not about to jump into a huge sob story that will make you feel uncomfortable or regret starting to read this blog. Having depression is a part of who I am, it's not a state of mind, it's not a phase that you go through or something that a good dose of antibiotics will eliminate. It is, however, manageable and NOT being open about it -letting it own me instead of me owning it - used to be how it would get a hold of the part of me that would often indulge in extended periods of self loathing. That part of my life was full of insecurity, doubt and envy of others (greener grass syndrome and all that) and are definitely many years that I wont get back, but that time does make me appreciate what I have now and how important it is to never waste an opportunity or hold myself back for any of those reasons again.
Now, the last time I traveled (2008) I decided that the next time I went on a big trip overseas it would be with a special someone that I could share the memories with - but he never showed up. So, for reasons explained above it took me a really long time to find the courage to do this on my own and now that I have, well, it certainly won't be me getting in my way anymore.
I hope to write this blog regularly so that you can follow my adventures while I'm away. I hope you enjoy what goes into it, only time will tell and I promise to try and keep my post short and to the point... Unlike where this one is headed :)
On that note...
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