Another day in Hawaii has passed and it has been another good day, we went to PearlHarbour in the morning which was a really interesting experience, learning about some of the reasons behind the attack and the retaliation to the attack. Seeing the ASS Arizona was strange, being able to watch the oil float from the ship to the top of the ocean even after so many years of being sunk, it was odd being able to see the ship below us but a very good experience from it all in all. After the tour we looked around the site and got to see through a periscope and see the different bombs each side used for their attacks.
When we got back we had a bit of food and then went to book the swimming with Sea Turtles and Dolphins trip but it was a bit late so we need to try and do it tomorrow instead but they are unsure at the moment if it will go ahead because the sea is pretty strong at the moment.. So we shall see, hopefully it will improve soon enough for us to be able to do it.
Went into Waikiki centre again tonight, the 'Spam Jam' is now over and Spam has thankfully left us alone for most the day. There were a lot of street entertainers around, I got myself a Henna of some Sea Turtles, the guy let me set the price as well and I had a row of Sea Turtles swimming up my little finger, hand and arm up to my elbow. I also got two paintings, one was done personally by request, which has a mountain and waterfalls and streams in it. It's very Hawaiian and looks amazing, so I get to pick it up tomorrow once it has been dried and set and the other was a print with Sea Turtles swimming in the Sea which again is very Hawaiian and will look very nice hanging up.
Tuesday was amazing we went Sky Diving and it was definitely the best activity I've done since being away. We we're driven up to the Sky Diving field which was all the way up the North Shaw and then we had to sit and wait for about an hour. We got to watch other people going up and jumping which was cool and I decided on getting photos taken as well so I had to meet my Photographer and my Tandem Master. We got some photos taken before hand and then we got on the little truck which took us over to the plane which is one of those tiny ones you see in India Jones films. Wehad some more pictures taken in front of the plane and then headed into it. When onboard the door was kept open along the run way and then slid down for take off, after we were up in the air again my Photographer opened the door and took some pictures of the view and me again. Then it was time to jump, I was the first out because I was getting photos taken and it was an odd experience going up to the edge of a plane door and leaning out of it. And then we jumped out and even though we were falling you didn't even know it is such a strange experience I was focused on trying to get air as it is hard to breath in when you're going so fast and the wind is hitting you. I had some good pictures taken at the fall stage and then our parachute opened and up we went.
It was amazing floating down, my instructor was showing me the different sites on the island, pointing out different places like Pearl Harbour and the Pineapple Fields and Honolulu. We did some spins which feels really odd and makes you feel a bit sick as you end up practically sideways on when spinning. The view was so beautiful as well, seeing the coast line from the sky and the beaches and the sea. After I landed we got to see our pictures and headed back to Waikiki, where I wrote a lot of postcards. After postcard writing we headed out to the town again and had a look at the street performers there were some more living statues and more musical performers this night. But nothing really amazing happened other than that we got some food and headed back.
Wednesday was an alright day we had booked to go on a catamaran tour to see Sea Turtles and maybe Dolphins, so we got up and headed down for 8 like told but then found out that it was 8:30 and after all that the van to pick us up still came 15 minutes late so we had been at the bus stop for an hour. We got to the boat which was nice and headed in and listened to their talk about safety and snorkelling. They then provided us with some food and started the tour, I filmed the boat leaving dock and getting out to see so when I have a spare few days I will upload that up to see. We got out to the area we were supposed to snorkel and I was a bit disappointed because it was just a bit out to sea rather than a little cove like we expected, but wewent in and snorkelled but unfortunately luck wasn't really with us and there were no Sea Turtles and no Dolphins in sight, in fact the only things we did get to see were some black and blue fish which was pretty disappointing. So after that the boat took us a bit further out for some sailing and headed back in so all in all not the most amazing spend of my money ever.
We got back and had a break till two and then headed over to Diamond Head which is a small 'mountain' (glorified hill) and headed up to the top of that it is supposed to take an hour to walk up but only took us 30 minutes it was nice at the top but the walk itself was nothing special I think it is a bit spoilt by the time of year we did it as most of the trees we're leafless and so it wasn't too attractive. There was once a military post built on it which is why there was a lot of man made steps and a spiral metal staircase getting to the top. But the view was nice from the top and we could see most of the island and I took my puppets so they had photos up there as well. We went back down which I filmed the entire way again so I will try and upload that as well, and then when we got to the bottom we had a shaved ice which is like a slush puppy, that was very nice.
On Thursday we decided to head up to the NorthShore and to a beach where we were told there would be Sea Turtles. So we got up and took the two buses needed to get there which took around 2 hours and we got there for about 9:30, we spent most the day there and we could see the Sea Turtles swimming and eating the seaweed from the rocks but it wasn't until 3 that any of them decided to come out, so it was a bit of a long wait but it was really worth it, watching them crawl onto shore and sleep on the beach. There were only two of them but it was great and I got a lot of film and photos with them which was great and will upload as soon as possible.
We headed back to Waikiki after that and had some food at a 80s diner styled theme restaurant. It was really nice and the staff all had teddy boy style shirts on, there was pictures of various actors and singers everywhere like Elvis and Marilyn and they had TV's which played various clips from old films like Oklahoma and Greece. After that we went around the markets a bit and headed back. So that's about it from the Hawaiian adventure, it was really good and I really enjoyed the trip.
The flight back was pretty uneventful which is always a good thing and the pilot and air attendants were good too, they kept making jokes like 'what is a pirates favourite letter?' to which we went ARRR but nope, 'no it's the sea' :hehe.
Thats all from me for now, i'll post again after Alaska :) x
- comments
Sarah Whee, skydiving, you're mad but it looked amazing from the photos! Going from Hawaii to Alaska is a bit of a trek, havent you gotten used to the heat in Hawaii? I dont know what part of Alaska you're going to, but if you're going anywhere near the worlds longest zipline, then I hear thats well worth checking out :) Have fun!