I just spent my first real week as a backpacker and could taste a little bit of what my life will be like in the next 9 months.
The hostel was ok situated in a college area of Boston and as it was the last weekend before school starts again in the states, all the students were moving into their new apartments. I have never seen so many moving trucks in my entire life! Seriously, it felt like everybody in this city was throwing out all of their furniture.
Tanja and Kristin arrived after a couple of days and we enjoyed just spending time together and visit Boston which is indeed a very nice city that nearly felt European with its old buildings, all the Italian restaurants near the harbour and all the historic places. But even though they will make sure that you don't forget that you are in the USA by requesting your ID every time you order a glass of wine or a cocktail. It felt like having traveled back in time when the bouncer of the nightclub wouldn't let me enter the club because I didn't have my passport with me. I had my driver's license but that wasn't enough apparently. We talked to a cop in the street to know why the driver's license isn't enough and he told us that you need a Massachusetts liquor ID in order to enter a place where they sell alcohol. A Massachussets liquor ID, not even a normal ID! I mean you need an ID for everything.
"Excuse me Sir, can I use your bathroom?"
"Sure, if you have a restroom ID!"
Another very American thing I really have to get used to is tipping every service a 20%. I think that is sooo much! Ok I understand that waiters are paid very few and that they need the tip to make their living but taxi drivers, haircutters? Why don't they just show the actual price? Why do I have to tip a service that wasn't even good? And they don't even let you a choice, even if you wouldn't want to leave a tip ...But ok, different countries, different habits, I try to be tolerant and this will be such a small thing compared to the cultural differences I am going to see.
I also cut my hair, for those who haven't noticed and I did tip the girl who cut it because she did a good job :).
So now we are on our way to Quebec to where Kristin and Pierre live who by the way was nearly accusated of illegal import of German women at the Canadian border with Kristin and me in the car. But after a few explanations that yes I quitted my job in Germany and yes I am really travelling and will only go back to Germany in 9 months and yes Kristin too is not working right now because there is something wrong with her Canadian work permit they finally let Pierre enter his country with those two weird unemployed German girls ;).
- comments
manu coucou belle gosse, alors comme ca tu t'es tirée d'aleo sans prevenir ? tout ça pour qu'on te prenne pour une enfant a chaque fois que tu veux boire une biere ?? en tout cas t'as l'air d'avoir blondi...! profites bien des ricains et de leurs bieres a+!! Manu d'aleo France.
Dietmar Voigtländer Sounds exciting !
Karen Krumbiegel Well, that's America, dear cousin :-D. By the way, I almost got detained as an illegal immigrant even though the border was more than 200 miles away. I am glad you're enjoying your trip so far and hope, we're going to read a lot of nice stories in the time to come. Hugs and kisses, Karen
Sergio Son americanos Theresa!! Que vas a esperar! disfruto mucho leyendo tus aventuras y asi practico el inglés!! Muchos besos y abrazos de Cris y mios!!
Jaimito OOOHHH!!! Theresita!! finally I found your blog!!! I'm jealous because everything that you are living (will live) ... but I can just read you and enjoy it!!! ENjoy your life/trip And see you whenever wherever!!
Kristin Es war toll, trotz interkultureller Inkompetenz :) Keep in touch.
Tanja :) Hast du auch eine ID zum schreiben dieses Blogs? Freue mich auf dich! Umaermel!
Esta Haha, unser aleo-ID-girl! Wir vermissen dich sooooooo!!!! Klingt so spannend alles! Hier ists langweilig bei der Arbeit und uns fehlt eine wichtige Käffchen-Person zum Glücklichsein! Miles d besos :***
Esta ... ach, und ich soll dich übrigens noch von einem Christian Schröder von Delta Energy Systems grüßen (PV Sec) und dir nen coolen Trip wünschen! :-)
Steffi Ich wünsch dir weiterhin viel Spaß und sag der Sonne bitte immer wenn du sie siehst bescheid, sie soll sich hier in Erfurt mal wieder blicken lassen. :-) Ich halt dich auf dem laufenden über den nächsten "...Friday" :-)