6 Weeks until Christmas Holidays!!
Temperatures have dropped, the woolley hats are out! Dark mornings & evenings! It's approaching that time of year when you get wrapped up all snug with a mug of Gluhwein! The Christmas markets don't arrive until the end of November, but I can sense the anticipation in the air. You can almost smell Christmas, the freezing temperatures, the lights, the decorations! All the shopa are starting to get into the spirit of things & I for one love it!
The first smell of Gluhwein this weekend, Christmas in a mug! I have to say it really is my most favourite thing from Germany! Gluhwein & Christmas Markets! They really make those cold dark evenings bearable!
I think it will help move this term on pretty quickly too! Another busy one, as they all seem to be, but some exciting times ahead! GISST Football for all teams over the next couple of weeks, Badminton season approaching too. Lots of travelling and competing still to do before the holidays!
Inter-house events to run, boys football at the top of that list. Then it'll be time to hide away inside ready for the winter!
One game left in FSV Bablesberg 74's 1st half of the season, had a great win last on Sunday 6-0 & I even managed to bag a goal for myself. Number 3 of the season, I really should score more but Im a little like a jig-saw! Ha.. It's been great to play and train regularly, despite not really understanding anything! Football is as the y say, one language! With Christmas and the winter break comes the indoor championships, cant wait for them! Indoor football demands a good touch and lots of skill.. I feel I'll have plenty to offer!
So 6 weeks of work before 3 weeks of holiday! Can not wait!
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