We are now in Rotoroua. The boys went Zorbing today, a crazy concept where you get inside a huge ball and roll down the hill. They also chuck a bucket of water in with you so you slide all over the place.
This wasn't enough for Nicky, he had to take up the challenge of Zorbing in my bikini. (I've learnt never to dare Nicky to do something, he really will). It caused quite a stir at the Zorbing centre and the Chinese tourists thought it was the highlight of their trip.
I'm sure Aidan will tell you what the Zorbing experience was like. I'd just had a big lunch and did not fancy getting wet and dizzy.
After the excitement of zorbing we happend to find a giant sheep. Once again the boys couldn't resist and had to climb it. The local farmers were not impressed.
In the evening we went out with a few fellow travellers to the hotest club in town (was tiny). Our evening is best described in the words of our bikini loving travel journalist Nicky Young:
"Ah hoy hoy ship mates welcome aboard let me tell thee tales of ship mates irish aidan and sea dog katie.
We met up with a mate from the ozzie shores who is kinda like a walking talking paul daniels sadly he has no debbie magee to accompany him and appear out of dry ice however he does know a trick or two, and a world of drinking games.
Cards we were placed games were played and alochol wentr down under. In this true technological age i will fast forward to mr aidan and katy dancing on the tables of this bar........come join me if u will in super fast forward to see aidan being bet by me and mc clouter to dance with the oldest ladies new zealand had to offer and then form a bullet like train with a tour group of japs.
The irish man took up the challenge disappearing in a gathering of the rising sun's finest and emerging with one attached to his back. Before our very eyes the we could see this orient express take shape carriage buy carriage led by conductor mc givern!
Sadly for this train driver he didnt specify which drink he wanted in winning this bet so we ordered up a drink elton john and george micheal would write a song about...........the gayest drink ever erected! "
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