Hi Dollies glad to hear you are both settling into the travelers way of life! and got there in one piece! all quiet on the western front no sigh of Baby H yet!!!!!! although this being April 1st I could have got everyone a right one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hee hee but I decided not to! take care of each other and see you soon xxxxx
Jojo Hendry
Well hello Ladies, jojo leaving her mark on your page, its filling up nicely! Glad to here your not leaving the Scottish drinking culture behind and doing it for the team, use made it there in one piece PHEW!! glad the tears have turned to drink and happiness. Well bloody missing you guys, monday wasnt the same without you, still managed to have a giggle and raid sho wardrope, i was the first with the kick of as you'd expect, 1st come 1st served. Anyways enuf of rambles, keep the blogs cummin, be safe and mind my rich sugar daddies granny flat ha xx
Hello Laydees!
Good to hear that you've arrived safely and getting settled into your new time zone!
Have a fantastic adventure and keep us posted - this blog idea is well smart!
Hazel xxx
Hey there chicks!
So glad you both arrived safe n sound, missing you's already, feel as tho my right arms been chopped off haha!
Just about to head over to Shonaghs for the monday club, macaroni cheese mmmm, more hankies at the ready tho coz we're gona read your card Sho.
Take good care babes, loads love n hugs.
Jen xxx
p.s Jerry finally moved out haha
Hi girlies, glad u both arrived safe and sound!!!
Loving this blog idea...gr8 way to keep in touch!
Take care
C xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hope you both arrvied safe in Bangkok and continue to be safe! bet your ears are ringing with the whistle's and car horns!
Take Care
Hey chicks, sore eyes today from too much crying at the airport yesterday! Missing you already. Hope you didnt get little FiFi Le Chic drunk with all the free booze on the flight!! Stay safe, luv ya loads x x x x x