Finally got round to loking at pictures....not looked at them all as I am skiving at work. Looks amazing.....My favourite pic is SAMBO fae Blackburn on the tele in Nam!
Have fun ladies !
hiya luvvies,
those beaches in the photos look gorge......wonder if I'll manage to get to a beach in spain....only 2 weeks tomor til my weekend away & week on tue til the girls aloud concert in newcastle (& girly night out afterwards yippeee). sis is obsessive about this walking ass will be solid by the time we go to spain! Walked all the way to old bangour last night & back the main road.....ouch! but think thats about 6/7 miles....or maybe I'm just hoping it is!
Got Tayler's 9th birthday party tomor at the community cente & P is bringin Mathew....he's so cute, he copies everythin u say!
No sign of baby H yet...hopefully she'll go soon & we can send you some pics.
Missing you loads
Luv u & take care x x x
Hi Claire/Shona
Good to see you both chilling out on the gorg beaches after all your travelling - not jealous much!!
Spotted a couple of schwing schwings in the pictures - fill me in!
Sorry not got any goos for you, as just working away here - although we have had not bad weather recently.
Take Care
Hi you 2
Howz life on the big adventure ,still going good me hopes. Photos are ab fab loving them. I can see shona coming home and painting them all.
Good to get the updates on where you are and whats happening.
Not much going on here except the boyle mania phenomana can't believe how famous alans aunt susan has become, hope you get to hear it soon it is amazing.
Well keep safe missing you loads and loads mon nights not the same with only the 6.
speak soon chicks
love alan, sarah and mia meaw
p.s mia missing ur feet liddle she took to paulas on mon
Hey girlies,
Sitting at work checking out your latest pics, the caves & halong bay look absolutely fantastic. Hope there are no withdrawal symptoms from the beer drought !!!!
The weather here has been pretty miserable all week, the temparature totally dropped. It's supposed to be nice at the weekend so fingers crossed.
Take care.
J xx
Hey chicks!!
Hope you's are both have a fabby time. Love looking at your photo's, especially when its cold, foggy and freezing here!!
Loving the blogs!!!
Hi Auntie Claire
It sounds like you are having lots of fun. I hope the easter bunny was able to find you and give you an easter egg! I got easter eggs that look yummy but I think my mummy and daddy might help me eat them!
My mummy and daddy took me to the shops on friday and I got a lovely jacket with the vouchers you gave me or my birthday so thank you very much.
I hope you and Shona keep having lots of fun. I am missing you and I like it when my mummy shows me the funny photos of you drinking juice on the computer!
Lots of kisses and cuddles.
Amelie xxx
From claire - hey Amelie your very welcome glad u liked, not had any choclolate since av been here - weird but not really bothered about it been sticking to the juice to much!! lol - missing you lots and look forward to seeing all ur photees!! tell yer daddy he dont need any more chocolate its all yours!! he he
big hugs and kissses love Aunty Claire
Hi Claire!!
Sounds like your having an amazing soooo jealous! Missin you loads at work!! Just wanted to let you know, were having a GIRL!!!! Im so happy!!! I txt you but not sure if you got it? Anyway....keep having fun and drink lots for me!!!
Love Lyns (and Isla) xx
Hey Dolly, it all sounds absolutely amazing & from what i've seen so far it looks amazing too!!
Sorry not been in touch much but my pc is soooo slow, it just took me over 2 hrs to get to read your last 2 blogs. I've mostly been keeping up with it at work, I'll need to check out the latest pics on Tues. Defo have to do something about it soon.
I've been trying to email you a pic of chloe, she's just so cute (& tiny!!). I'll maybe send a sneaky email from work next week.
Was out in town thu night, believe it or not was home (sis house) by about midnight but lainey & me stayed up drinking & chatting so fri was a total wipe out. The rest of the easter weekend has been pretty chilled.
Take care & love to you both.
J xx
Hey chickadees, sounds like you's are still having a fabby time. Went to Glasgow wi Smurf, jo & jenny today for a girly days shopping, Primark was fab as usual! Went to TGI's for lunch mmmm, better than those bugs ur eating in your photo's liddell! Have fun & look after each other. Mandy is here & has been looking at ur photos - she's sooooo jealous...u got a free space if she bumps scott & the kids? She says hi!
Take care & keep up the emails....makes going into work that little bit better!
Luv you & speak soon
Hugs & kisses
sho x x x
Hi hope you are all well. Photos look amazing! Missing you both. Seems like you have packed so much in already you will need a wee rest when you get back. My comp is nearly working so will e-mail soon but this will do for now(using work comp). Mathew is a year and a half this week cant believe it he sounds so old. His easter egg collection is building up nicely, so david and I will have to help him. Anyway back to work here till 8 never mind!! Take care all our love Paula,David+Mathew
Linda & Alistair
Hi Claire
Luv the photos and the blog. It's nice to see what you are getting up to (although somewhat edited version I'm sure)!! You'll be opening your own little thai restaurant when you come home at this rate! Alistair says Hi and could really do with someone to play hide and seek. Stay safe, luv Linda & Alistair.