LB was just showing me the blog so thought i'd say hello.
Well jealous!! It looks superb.
Think father jack would fit right in with the monks by the way , u think they have the recipe to buckfast?
Love the photo's , glad to see a Macky pose there too!
Looks like your havin a ball , i'll keep up with your antics
rave safe! x x
Hi chicks
Good to c the photos at last, lloks well fab. Sounds like ur havin a total ball.
Well i'm just getting ready to go to work. Yeah i know ur jelous NOT.
Wish i was there with you both.
Dinner was fab last night everyone gets better by the week.
Anyway better go for now. Keep the updates coming it's good to hear what ur up to.
Missing u loads
Speak soon and be safe
Luv to you both
Morning ladies!
At work, no motivation and we are short on email chat now :-( Had a wee look at your photos, it looks amazing, I am so jealous! Although the sun is shining over here, for now anyway. Will probably wait until the Easter weekend and then p*ss down, ha, ha!
Looking forward to tasting some Thai cuisine when yous come home, yous certainly look the part in your photos! Jojo cooked for us last night, mmmm! Don't know what's happened to her, she was trying to give us Shepherds Pie home that she had made on Sunday night too . . . She is turning into a right wee domestic goddess, we really must stop her!!
I am meant to be cooking for 10 on Sunday, starting to regret opening my big mouth :-)
Take care chicks, keep updating the blog, makes me feel like I am there with yous.
Much love!
x x x
greetings from bonnie scotland
at work, its one of those mondays so i'm taken some time out an skivin, even logged on to bebo today, 1st time is ages! oban was a blast, claire was puking most of the journey home, to many shots, the locals were but ruff and scary but was impressed by the standard in the hotel, got bk to hotel in early hours, the night watch man or cleaner (whatever) made us food and supplied beers from the bar (FOC) not that i needed more but i'm not one to pass on fee stuff, i even got to play music woo! cookin for the ladies tonight, i've made butternutt squash soup and think i'm making a veggie pie thing, going out on a limb and trying it, not sure it if will turn out right but nothing ventured nothing gained.
Sounds like use are having a ball, limited drink and early morning, are use feeling okay!! mayb just as well, nah point in burning yourself out in the 1st week :-) father jack a budist to funny.
righto better boost...keep up the blog, be safe, dnt get barred from pubs or put on pub watch, oh and send me some of that soup, it look yummy xxx
Big Liddell
hello humans.
can you believe her indoors didnt even mention me today in her and amelies msg .christ you'd think we were married or something yep 6 years today.glad to hear everything is going great and theres been no casulties of war yet thru the drink or the dodgy food. have you tried the roasted dog yet? and have you seen the ladyboys yet?bet they are a few notches up scale on the dreadnought ones eh?so you have visited more temples than indiania jones then?keep us up to date on the good the bad and the ugly, member if it looks or feels dodgy it is..keep safe. love mark x
Hi Claire
Looks like you are having a fab time!!! Can't believe you cooked a meal (think you paid someone to do it) and enjoying the culture thai air must be affecting you!!!!!!!!!!!!lol
Hope you enjoy the elephants keep photos coming, looks amazing.
Stay safe
Love Ang & Jim xxxx
Kathleen N Amelie
Hey Ladies
Loving your blog andn v impressed how reg you are updating it! It's great to see what you are up tp (well the edited version!) and making us v jealous back in the dale. The weather is quite nice here today so Amelie and I off to the beach, got her a bucket and spade., won't be as nice as the beaches you will see during teh trip. Can't believe thats that firt week in already. Keep having a great time and look after yourselves. Going to get Amelie her weetabix, rock'n'roll.
Big kisses and cuddles from Amelie and me.
Hey chicks,
Glad you are having a fab time, sounds like you have been getting up to loads...sure beats work I'll bet!!!
Typical saturday for me...was out bowling with work last night so sligtly tender and still in my PJ's! Got that illuminous pink top from River Island that I kept looking at but no one at work told me that the bowling was under ultra violet lights.......I was glowing like a bloody beakon.....typical sho eh lol!!!! Will email you the photos so you can get a laugh!
Meeting at your's (sorry Jo's) on your house but you're not there :-(
Take care & keep the emails & blogs coming & upload some photo's for god sake!
Luv u both & missing you loads....easter sunday out on the piss wont be the same without you guys!
x x x
Hi girlies
Hope you're both having an absolute ball, first couple of days sound fab.
Missing pub night already, of course every night's pub night for you two now.
Wish I was there with you both instead of looking out my window at a garage !!!
Love the blog, keep it coming.
Stay safe. xxx
Hi guys
How you both doing? Sounds like your having the life of riley out there.
One question not heard any mention of what the talent is like?
Looking forward to your turn of mon club if you've been on the cooking lessons mmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Not much happening here weather been fab 16 degrees.
anyway hope you are both ok and keeping safe. Luv you both and speak soon. At yours on mon night so maybe jo can get the web cam going for a wee chat.
Take care chickadees
sarah and mia meawwwwwwww
Hi yes it is me,finally able to chat to you. Glad you are both well sounds amazing. Monday night wasnt quite the same without you guys. Weather is lovely here (no not kidding). Going to Newcastle this weekend for Cheryls hen,should be good except will be only sober person. Love to you both take carexxp
Hi Girls
The cooking class is ace, bet your both loving the food its well nice.
Are you going to Chang Rai or visiting any of the tribes?