Arrived in Saigon early doors this morn, about 6am, Splashed out on $15 a nite for a room as Liddell is getting eaten alive by the mosesy, poor thing. Been on the move all day. Life's been a beach for past week so good to get some sightseeing done. Absolutely melting here...2 stone in a day!! Dare i say its too hot.... We went to the war museum, i've uploaded some pics i took, but i soon stopped taking them as most of the images are too horific, u can read as much about it but when u see the photos in that setting its quite graphic and obviously distrubing. It was good to go and see, but leaves a gloom on your day, and even more-so of a foreigner. Think Cambodia might give me nitemares.
Of course to take the edge out of it we went for a beer and headed back to backpackers area as quite expensive eleswhere, yep Liddell n me n the ghetto. Plan on going to chu chi tunnels tomorrow and off to Cambodia the following day. I've found Saigon a bit disappointing so far.
Miss H
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