You will never believe what me and Shona done last nite - went out for Pizza and were back in bed for 9pm sleeping for 10 - and had no alcohol whatsoever!! Sat nite as well - must be the first in my life !! :) mymummy and daddy will be so proud!! haha
tonight am sure we will make up for it!! sorry had to spoil it eh!!
We have had a lazy day at the beach and u wanna see us both look like typical scots abusing the sun we are both red raw!! so a few beers too cool us down!
This place is amazing for clothes already got 3 dresses a top ( all tailor made to my perfect size the now!! give it a few months and hundred beers later and al no get them round my leg! lol got a pair of shoes made too cool as!! off too have another wee look for trousers before we leave tomor!!
love use all cxxxxxxx
ps sarah no missing mia too much the day as if she scratched my surnburn i would quite happily eat her!! hehe xxxxxx
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