Singapore to Bali
Hey folks, now in Bali, arrived last nite after a few days in Singapore, empty pockets so had a bit of hassle getting in the country as no cash on us for our visa..opps
Singapore was great, did a lot of sightseeing, Their Art Museum is amazing. Would be great place to work, much different to KL (where we had the most bizzare nite ask me when we get home).
Went to Raffles for our singapore all dressed up, wore clothes that matched... even brushed my hair, so guess how disappointed i was when we got there and looked like we were going into Steins with sawdust on the floor,ok they were monkeynut shells but folk just chuck them on the how the other half lives lol. No rich men much to Liddell's disappointment, just full of tourist drinking singapore slings!! And not even dressed up, so went across the road for a pint of cider where we belong.
Bali is great, have a nice hotel near the beach with a pool, paying more than normal but it is worth it, think we have slummed it enough for a while. Saw the sunset on the beach this eve was amazing, think this might be my favourite place and not seen much so far. Going to chill for a couple of days then do surfing lessons...yep Liddell n me are starting to turn into Bill nTed, i had trouble counting the number of days we were staying in Bali, had to use my fingers and still got confused...
Loads of luv back home
xxxxxxxxx Miss H
Think Liddell is uploading the pics from fulll moon
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