Well the first couple of days have passed succesfully, am still jet lagged though and taking over Arthur's bed tonight! Went to teach old ladies English last night, they all sit on the floor over here and they gave us Japanese tea and biscuits. I said I liked the biscuits and they gave me a whole bag and box of them!!
Arthur's village is pretty remote and quite a few people were fascinated by us on the trains, especially the children who have been laughing at us!! They assume al white people are American! Not many people can speak English, some can say a few words but it's lucky Arthur has learnt some Japanese! We ate some takoyaka (octopus) last night which was very nice.
Today we went to the outskirts of Tokyo, called Ueno and also Asakusa. We saw a temple and lots of cherry blossom which they seem to love here! It is nice. Went around some shops and ate some food in Yoshinoya called guydon, rice and beef with onion and some pickled pink stuff!! I bought a hat which Brett thinks is a fashion disaster but I think looks pretty damn good! I think Arthur and I have managed to embarass him quite a bit already, hahaha.
Anyway that's enough for now, will update more when we've come back from Kyoto. Arthur is cooking mabudofu and it's ready now, its some pork spicy rice stuff I think!
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