The little cheesy liar - he had me fooled. Wait till I see him. It was great to speak to you tonight and hear all your news. The photos of the little kids in the favelas are brill. Sugarloaf looks magic as well - I really like the photos of Christ taken from there - very atmospheric. I don't suppose we'll hear from you again until you get up to Iguassu so take care on the bus and make sure your valuables are out of sight when you go to sleep! Are your backpacks still as heavy or have you ditched some stuff? I HOPE the book arrives before you set off. Have a good trip and take care of each other. Loads of love, Mum xxxxxxxxxxx
Hey sue shaun was lieing whin he said it eas a dug track.its for horse racing.have to keep it short coz weve got more fotos to put up n that takes ages.
W'suuuuuuuup! Gangstas
Looks mental over there guys, great photies but Hela busy, keep em cummin.
Cant believe the actually do tours of the slums! did you see any triple o.g's there?
Heres ma dress
7 Bryson Road
EH11 1ED
Scotland (Incase u 4got where u come from)
We might be getting a home phone soon, but ill keep yas updated wit it.
Anyways, gotta go, thats ma lunch brake just aboot up, gotta get back to WORK!!!, eh chuck!!
AWW!! Guyz it looks absolutely amazin over there!! The photos are fab, I can't imagine what it must be like actually bein there in person. The carnival looks spectacular, infact everything looks spectaucular. Keep on having a brilliant time, and we will keep enjoying all the photos over here. Me and Shaun are getting our saving account opened tomorrow, so, Australia HERE WE COME! ....... Well, not till next year. Anyway, take care of each other. Miss yaz loads. Liz, xx
Auntie Feef
Wow - keep the photographs coming - absolutely fantastic. Love the pouting KM! You both look like you are having a ball. I think I'll need to buy more colour cartridges for my printer!
Lots of love Feef -x-
Sue N Gus
Aye, did you fly the chopper? big man! no photo's of your pretty face then?
Say hi to Carnival from everybody this side, x.
Dented Kettle
just read that s*** aboot the flabby boy slim cheese gig...u jammy son of guns.U pull some big shapes for me and dae be dain any face pulling ya wee monkeys!!
give fatboy my love ye jammy sgeezers!!
p.s i want loads of photos fae that night!!
hey guys!!!
!!the wudsters finally back on the net!!
happy birthday kymm.hope yous having a fab day
hows the trip , amazing by the looks of the photos!!
Keep piling on the sun tan lotian ya mentalists!!the helicopter ride looked f***kn amazing, some quality views!!!
wots this a hear aboot someone snatchin your chain liam?? you got yourself a peice yet??
hope u both well
Euski Luv, Pammy & Katelyn
happy birthday Kymm! Hope you're having a fab day! sorry we haven't dropped more bombs, our net is still down (not like 2pac). sounds like ure having a great time guys. the photies of the mighty one are the s*** son , i'd luv to see that s*** for real like.I'll hit u up soon mai , as soon as i get back up an runnin.much luv x x x P.S phone no. 01573 226988
Gillian + Greig
Happy Birthday Kymm! Have an amazing day, I'm sure you will. xx
Linda Woodhead
just to say hope you have a Happy Birthday kymm. We are all keeping up 2 date with your travels. Have fun and enjoy yourselves. The Woodhead gang xxxxxxx