Happy Valentines day to you both - enjoy yer trip roond the Christ and say a little prayer for us.
Ive no made the instructions aboot the camera clear enough. Put the photos onto the web so that everyone can see them as you are doing the now. But if you just use one camera at a time, you can take the 'card' out of the camera when it is full, and take in into a photy shop and get them to put the photys onto a CD ( and you can then start using the other camera until its card is full). Once you have got a card burned onto a CD, post the CD home in a padded envelope so that you will have top quality photys when you get back. You can then delete all o the photys from the card (or get the shop to do it for you) and then start using it again to take more photys. This is what Hector recommends. PS - Euan's internet is down just now and he aint got off his lazy ass to fix it yet - his number is 01573 226988. xxxxxxxxxx
Hey you guys. Just dropping in to show you I care too!! Hope you are enjoying the sunshine and all is well. Miss your banter, life is gettin duller and duller without you two! Look after each other and keep in touch. And dont dare get too brown... i can feel the jealousy seeping from my pores already. :-) xxx
Cheese Nut
I agree with both Gus and Hector about the photys
Book is in the post - hope the pigeon kens where tae fly!! Look out for a deposit frae it!!
Church To Brazil
Aright ye old travel bandits!!! gid to see ure havin such an adventurous time. You must put up more photos. Kymm - Take more care in the sun, your pinker than wuds face when i b**** slapped him!!! LG - It was gid to hear from u last week homie, shame the call time run out. Oh by the way, liked the photos of the footy but in the future, keep the t*** under a t-shirt. Take care, miss u both. xxx
I agree with Gus
Hi Guys
Glad u enjoyed Slim Man Fat
I'm a bit concerned aboot the quality o yer photys. They look fine at the size that they r on the web site but when they r doonloaded and shown as a slideshow they lack crisp definition. I think the website compresses them and stores them at a lower pixel resolution than what the camera takes (because the ones aboot the landscaping that were doonloaded directly from your camera to the computer are really sharp wen u enlarge them. Keep puttin the photos on the website so every yin can c them but if u want guid copies o ure memories, it might be an idea just tae use 1 camera and burn them ontae a CD and post it hame. Sorry for this borein message, but I thought ye should ken so that ure no disappointed when ye see the quality. Let me ken what ye tink. Yours aye....
Man @ The Black
Whats with the sun glasses on the heeds? posers or what? Are you two makin a secret fash catalogue? strike a pose! you always did. hey glad to hear you re havin a blast. All the poverty there and stadiums like that just doesn t make sense. it s a far cry from st james( the toon)! And man does that Reo look busy or what? keep it tight you two!! This site is amazin, things have come a long way since 20 yrs ago.Well us lesser motals have to get back to work in order to keep others in the life which they seem to have grown accustomed to pretty well so far. So jelous. till next time....... watch out for the reo de janero bum biter! you re so cool!! xx
hey peeps hows it goin?
im feeling pritty ill to day as we had a fairly heavy night last night at the fat boy slim gig.It woz baning (scudferrit) you would have loved it,didnt get home till about 6 7 oclock this morning so this message is gona be pritty short coz i cant be yobbed.
No wonder you needed the aftersun Kymm Michelle - just seen the photographs!. Rio looks amazing, fantastic pictures. Uncle Pat is not pleased with his little locust - mad that you have been to one of the world's best football stadiums and he gets to watch sky football. Take care, love to you both. Feef & Pat x
Kymms Mum
fantastic photos,your both looking really good,was really pleased to see them,and yep,had another little tear!!!everyone sends their love, take care always, luv u, xxxxx
Tam & Joanie
Auld Tam -Great to see you are having a good time and everything is working out for you. If you're having trouble with these young hooligans I'll come across and sort them oot for you - or I can send you the arab knife. Joanie - have a fantastic time at the carnival, we'll keep in touch. XX