great photys - the ones in the submarine are particularly photogenic - do u pair do enything else but drink? Your fairly belting through the country - enjoy yer steak in Buenos Aires - make sure its well cooked to avoid the Jay Slides! Were off to watch a programme about the Andes and Nature in Chile so that we will have some idea about the country that u are travellin through. (What happened to the pics of the falls?) Take care - Yours Aye
Katelyn Xx
Hi unckie liam and auntie kymm! Just a wee note to say hi & ta very much for the postcard. Daddy loves his magnet but said he wouldn't put it on the fridge incase i go over & steal it to nibble on (as if i would!!!!!) the net still isn't working at home but we're able to see your photos etc at my grandad's house (he says hi by the way). I'm getting really big these days! I have 2 teeth at the bottom which are growing nicely, & i think my top right tooth will be through very soon. I'm not walking on my own yet but i love making people bend down to hold my hands so that i can go walking (gran is always moaning that she has a sore back, hee hee!) mummy is taking lots of photos of me so she'll get daddy to e-mail them to you sometime. i'll go just now coz mummy has to take me back home to get my yum yums, but i'll write again soon. lots of love n dribbles from your wee monkey heed!!! xxxx p.s mummy & daddy say hi, they are loving the photos & journal entries. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Floating Peanuts
sup J Slide nice work on the myspace sight.nice to no youve been learning the lingo soz you can speek to your Uruguay buss station 4 9 houres wating to go to BuenosAires.theres new fotos to.
The Jay Slide
W'sup gangstas
Na i dont mind that u taxed a swisher, sheet. Av updated the Myspace site, you should check it out wen u get a chance.
Espero que disfrutan Buenos Aires si van ahi. Era la cuidad lo mas interesante que encontre en mis viajes por sud america, Fueron arto clubs baja tierras, y mas del verde para fumar!!
Los que dejastes trabajando en watergems te extrano arto pero mas que nada el sentido de humor que tengas, no lo pierdas!
Quidenses los dos. Hasta la Vista babies.
El Raton
Man @ The Black
Hey you guys !! Hey you guys !! You Goonies seem to be gettin on well with the adventure. Well impressed with it all.
Liam- where's all the rio "Booty photos". Come on beaches are beeches. slums are slums. we've got Spital and orchard Park- nae difference realy.But we aint got the Booty s that you got.
Went an a road trip to York last week. Great couple of days. Left a prayer for you two with the big man in the Minster. Cost me 2 quid so he should have your backs well covered. Had a few words my uncle John in the cask too. He also cost me multiples of 2 quid.
no caught any sightings of the Black Swan carpet crawler for a few weeks. Thought he might be in trying to sell me some massive Border Fishies !!
Kymm- will kick ass with the AA on monday so will get an email off to you with results. ( Sorry. does that mean everyone will know your an alcy now. - nothin they didnt know already doll.) Keep hammering the molatoffs. The wee lassie of leith looked great in the Brasil tee and kilt. nice one. you must have had a blast!! xx
Catch you guys soo. take care xx
Wuddy- In the words of Baby Focker........Assssssshhhoooooole
When are you gettin out of Sauchton for a pint ya hooligan??
Sup mullet heed good to hear frie ya.gald to hear u aint got a job yet.workings for loosers and people who have to much time on there hands.the trip is going superb so far.I saw ur Argentinian stunt double in brasil (cheese bag).U got ur self a bird yet?
Hey muma n pupa the border crossing was fine no probs apart from the language barier.didnt cost nothin which was even better.
Mullet Heid!!!!
Sup Gangsta Girthrie,aint that the "tooth",the Ferret put me on 2 this hope you n the wife havin ball mate,Im Still jobless hahaha who cares eh.Catch up with u soon bud.take care.x
Mom N Pops
Crikey - Uruguay already - it'll be greyhound buses you're getting then? The red line on our map has grown a lot over the last few days. What was the Border crossing like? Dunno what's happenin with your card - good job you took them both. Doesn't really matter which one you use. Have fun in Montevideo - will have to go and look it up on the tinternet to find out what its like. XXXXX
Lg Again
Sup moms n pops keep ur ears open bacause hopfull ull be gettin a call frome the supercar competition telling you that Ive won a super car.Me dad not u so all the tred had better still be on the tyres when i get back.oh n ull have to tell Euan to hold off on the extension because ill need a garage built to keep it in.tell him he can sit in the car but dont give him the keys.
Sup kev hows thing?whos life at watergems?
Hey every body.
Glad to hear that the post cards n stuff arived.i will now be able to delite the fotos off my camera.
I naver got the book before i left Brazil bacaus the post offaces were on holiday for the carnivel.But we managed to get on off some one at the hostle.I i told him if he was still there he could have the one that comes for me.
We have made it down threw Porta Alegre and in to Uruguay.the city is called Montevidio,and its verey nice,we plan on stayin here for about 3 to 4 days.
Good to hear katelin is doin well n that she has another gona be a busy man with my toot brush when i get long untill shes dartin about5 on her feet?
Hope ur enjoyin ur dungers Grinch (would i let u down)hope u dont mine the lack of one.If u run out n wont some more geez a holler.
Hey sue i had to use my clydsdale card the other day coz my other one didnt work,seems to be abit hit or miss with some machines.Same with kymms.Dont no if ull get a post card from Uruguay coz i cant fine any yet but will keep lookin.
Sup pops caught any salomns yet?or are u still the fishing looser ha ha ha.Hope u have better luck when ur up against Shaun the prawn and Eukie poowi.
Sup Chunchin Neep and Stinknugget hows the love den?Euan tolde me there was a destinced smell of sex in the air the last time he was there.U still workin a masive half a day aweek at tesco chunchy?
What about u Stinkbaws what u been up to?U goin to see coolio aswel?thatll be a gid night for snatching some wallets.
Tell mint i say hey
Catch all u fellas on the flip side
P.S bie all youe selves a drink with your own money from me.