Dont know who was playin at pacha bit it wos a grate night.
we were in a small town called san pedro in the middle of the was a cool little place,good to get out of the citys for a bit.we went on a tour wich took us wright onto the middle of the atacama dessert it was f***ing stunning.walkin threw big as sand dunes on one side with crazy ass rock formations on the other.Itsthe wierdest place ive ever been and thevews were spectacular.also seen some of ur more free lama friend who all say hi.
Hows ur music thing coming on?got ur self a lap top yet?is ur flat still in good nick?u still at weitros?wathed any good fliks yet?what did u have for dinner last night?has chuck got a jod at rockstar yet?hows things with him and erika?has fent had a flat party yet?whats the weather like?u deen out on the piss puch?
say hi to clit heed,lizz,mint fench,gill and dig chunchen meat for me.
Lama Fart
soz to hear boot ur wallet tae, thats s***!!, hope yous got it all straightened oot!!
The Stink-Lama
hey dudes!!
how yous doin??? cant believe u met sweatadonna...that man is a total legend!!
u jammy bams buenos asires is suppose to be quality for clubbing!!pacha sounds b b banging!!, who was playing??
that lamas resemblence is uncanny , think art quakes got some explaining to do!!ha
hope u both well!!
ive added u to me bebo kymmbo!!
jus 4 the old days
King Ferret
Hi Ferret Dock and the beautiful Princess of Ferrets, Kymm. The King Ferret wud like tae tank his litter for the 'Last Tango in Rio' DVD. Cant wait tae get stuck intae a 'rare' bit o meat and a bottle o red tae watch it. Ta a lot. xx PS (Just as well the Nugget is no a Ferret - he looks handsome enough as a Lama!)
Gary Wheelings
Church, they aint in Brazil no mow!!!
Big Lg
Sup gang i have put some new fotos up i have been here for 2 houres so i hope u enjoy.thes are only a few.look out for the lama that looks like wuddy.have to gonow coz its costin me a small fortune.xx
Church 2 Brazil
Bastad thieving yobos!!! Sounds like a crazy time in Argentina guys, ive gotta see the photos of Maradonna (Footbaw god, Fat Gimp) Everthings good in the Church, stink nuggets finally sobered up and its time for a Sub melt, u feel me knockin? Then let me in!!!
Auntie Feef
Hi Kymm - sent you an e-mail hope you receive it.
Hi - I've sent you another e-mail.
Melting Horse
meling horse here mega nuggitst!!!
been a crackin nite doon ocean terminal...gig ass club night ....well mongoosed!!!
keeping chuck as we speak.NOW THATS ENTERTAINMENT!!!xx
hope u both well.luv u
Hell ye i remember thet dude chrisy boy T nut get skelped on the fore heed with a barnger of a bit oh ice.sheeeeeeeat they were the days.H HA HA HA HA under the tunnel at eadenside typ laff.
Hell ye i remember thet dude chrisy boy T nut get skelped on the fore heed with a barnger of a bit oh ice.sheeeeeeeat they were the days.H HA HA HA HA under the tunnel at eadenside typ laff.