Hey euan u no got ur comp fixed yet you cheese worm.what u been up to?I also tryed foneing ur bich ass last thurs ngt.u were probably up jamming with dave and those rocket men.tell them all i sey sup and i hope theyv got that room decorated an the snooker table in place.Hows monkey heed gettin on with out her uncy liam.is she not tryin to wish me back yet with the majic wond.its gona b her birthday soon to sheat thats a quik ass year mai.tell pam and caz i say hi n give kitlyn a kiss from us both.pease
p.s be at the fone nxt time nut weed.
Hey ma n pa did that pagage arrive yet?ill have to look in the book to see where that lake is.i might miss it out on purpose so that when retire and sell yous house you can bring your old crippled asses over hear to see it for your selfs.I will prob get all my fotos onto a disc afret ive done all i want in peru then send them over.U been out salmon fishing again pops?I had a gid seafood meal the other day in iqueque with salmon,sole,king prawns,muscles,these things that look like wee toungs,squid n other stuff all cookin din a fish sauce it was real gid.tha starter was s*** tho i just chose at randome coz didny ken what out was.than out came this cold (looked semi raw)meat like cat food.apart from that all is going real good.speek soon.xxx
p,s say hi to gramps
dad, cant believe that about the postcard thats so useless! yeah i tried to fone ur mob and house a few times and i tried again the next morning when it was about 2ish ur time so u prob had loads of missed calls, but i knew u prob wouldnt answer to an unknown number. ur worse than wuddy. did u buy a ps3? been lookin at stuff thats on this summer. i bet u bought about 20 tickets to those gigs as usual!
off just now, cya x
oh and i saw deans peruvian double yesterday! i always see his lookalikes and it was almost as convincing as wuddy the llama
Man @ The Black
just got your postcard from rio.Thank you. six weeks to get here. glad we ve got the internet.xx
Man @ The Black
hey you guys. you re racin through the south. kymm I got your phone message and was gutted to have missed you. will try and catch up with you next week. It was great to hear your voice.hope all is going well.so much going on here. punt on the move. ps3 has landed, amazin grafix!! got lined up for a rockin week in the summer, foos at the fringe + chilis at hamden. sorted.!! can t wait. hey take care you 2. Black s goin crazy scotland have just got a concilation goal against georgia. jammy bas....dos! xx
Me again - I was looking at the Chile guide book to see what Iquique looks like and it says there are some geoglyphs (like the Nazca lines) well worth seeing in a National Park 30 miles south of Iquique - might be worth checking out. It's getting a BIT warmer here today.......
King Ferret And Sue
Sheeeat Guys I can feel the heat in the thought o an icecream (but maybe sunscream wud be mair appropriate!!!) Cant wait till u hit Peru cause thats where I so much want tae see. Enjoy the chill out and go for the magic!!!
Hey guys - try and see Lake Titicaca on your way through Peru cos that's one of the places I'd like to see as well as Macchu Pichu. xxxxx
Liam - I've sent you an e-mail. Enjoy the sun - it's still brass monkeys here. xx
Lama-Man (Formaly Known As Tha Scuddnugget Aka Stinkbaws)
the atacamadesert sounds well cool, cant wait to see the pics!!
musics well good bud,re doing everything and sounding a lot stronger!!working wi the dude that runs beatroot so getting tunes road tested!!woohoo.. flats n no bad state except fae chucks beard shavings lying everywhere!! aye still at wairose, bonus on friday tho..mega bucks, selling my dex to b azwell so money flow good at mo!!! oh had a brown A bean sandwich las nite for tea...mmmmmm!!yummy!! hopefully rockstar will come throo for c balls...needs to get his ass off that couch! been out las few weekends ripping s*** up..been well good.got a ticket for T in the Park and Rockness and maybes going to ibiza so buzy boy in the summer..moan!! IL SAY HI TO ALL THE CIGARS, KING EDDYS,CAFE CREMES AND BERKLEYS FOR YAZ BOTH hope alls well x
Kymms Mum
Glad that your are still safe and well,got a bit worried for you both. Oh my god kymm, you were climbing the sand dunes,just laughing here coz i can just imagine the scene, what shoes did you wear that day!!!!!!,haha and the caves,great fun, both of you take care xxxx
Pops And Popesse
Hi Baw Heed and Mrs Baw Heed
Glad tae ken that yer still alive and that the sights are gettin even mair impressive. Got a photy o yoos baith up on the wa' - the yin o yees wi the Brazilian flag at the Carnival. We also had yin wi the helicopter fleein below the Big Dood, but we gave it tae Kymms Mum so will hav tae print off anither yin - But a draw the line at hingin Rosco the lama on ma wa' - far too photogenic! Look forward to the next photys and patter. Stay safe and in touch. Yours Aye Pops and Popesse
PS we did what you said to watch the DVD - brilliant - its great tae be a flea on yer r ear Ta a lot XX
Big Tam D*** Kin
got ur postcairds the other day, sound quality out there! you would need jesus on your side to cross that road the, cant believe it, 16 lanes of traffic in the middle of a city!
u had any late night carni in chile yet? i herd that s***s the bomb yo! sheeet!
hey lama-heed, the dude at pacha was called luke fair, dont know if uv heard of him, dont know where hes from but he was s*** hot, so was the guy on before him, whoever he was
thanks 4 finally lettin me on ur bebo its about f***in time u lazy fart. i sent u a msg x