Hello peeps hows it goin?
I every thing is still going real good over here,even tho ive had kymms cold for 2 days(the b***h).we have the hewlicopter ride booked for tomorow at 9.30 in the morning so ill have to put my pampers on.should get some good fotos,speeking of wich we will try and get the fotos on to disc as soon as we can read the instructions on the computer.
Hey shiznet came across a cigar shop today didnt have no swishers in it tho (dung heep) woz gonna send you some phillie sweets but if u want quality ull have to wate.tell bill odi that i seen some nice birds at the beach to day.they were kine of herron like but alot darker.they were dive bombing into the sea for there lunch,they looked pritty fit from adistance.
Sup euskie luv,Pam,Kitlen and the dugs hope all is good in the happy home and that ur givin monkey heed loads oh hugs n kisses from the both of us.still aint came across no good brazilian outfits for her yet but will keep lookin.let me no ur house fone numer so i can give you a holler homes.its way to dear to fone mobiles.
Hey ma n pops.thanx for sendin that book out to us,hope it gets here in time.i supose now i will definetly have to send you a post card now.just kidding they will be on there way shorty i promis.
Any ways got to dash its happy hour at the bar and i can hear a caprinah calling my name.
much love all u loosers in the cold.xxxxx
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