Hello everyone, my turn to write our blog :-) Well...what a Loooooong journey! We arrived this morning at our hostel at 8am, after leaving our hostel in New York 25 hours earlier! We were going to take a photo for you Wardy but believe me it would have been too bad to post on here so we decided against it. lol. Our hostel by the way... top notch! Decor lovely, all the amenities you could ask for and very clean. Shame we are only here for 2 nights, because we messed up our dates a bit when booking the hostel and managed to lose ourself a night we had paid for, oh well! So, this morning we went for a walk bright and early, have been walkin around all day really... not realising how hot it was and subsequently got VERY burnt! We will post a photo soon of liams arm camoflauged to the bed cover which is bright pink! Not so good part of the decor but oh well. My burn is concentrated on the only place that matters really... my shoulders, so God help me when I have to pick up my back pack again. And yes we did have factor 30 on, but the damage had been done by this point :-s . We have been trying to decide whether or not to rent a car for the 2 months we are here. Still weighing things up but looks at this stage like we might do it. Would give us so much more freedom, and its actually not as expensive as we had expected. We are going to buy a tent tomorrow aswell. Not much more I can tell you at the mo. Keep us posted on what's going on back home. Hope you are all ok, lotsa luv xxxxxx
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