Lauren's Travels
About Lauren
So after almost 7 hours in an airport with nothing in it besides duty free shops, I finally boarded my plane to Accra. Which, as Rahul correctly warned me, was full of smelly people.I landed in Accra with no real issues, I was proud at the time.I barrowed someone's cellphone to call my host family to tell them I was late but was on my way.A…
So my younger brother, decided to study abroad in Ghana, and of course I couldn't turn down the opportunity to visit! Then I decided it will have been a year since I have seen my good friend Neha from Boston University who is living in Nairobi, Kenya. Since Accra and Nairobi are only a few hours apart, I extended my trip plans to Kenya as well. Then Neha decided that we need to climb Mt. Kenya, and the trip continued to grow. Not sure how much I will be able to keep up with thi…
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Accra, Ghana
So after almost 7 hours in an airport with nothing in it besides duty free shops, I finally boarded my plane to Accra. Which, as Rahul correctly warned me, was full of smelly people.I landed i…

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Nairobi, Kenya
So yes, I am back in the country and have been for three weeks, but I mainly write these blogs as a journal or record for myself to have, so I am going to attempt to finish it anyways. Plus …

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Masai Mara, Kenya
Monday morning we flew to Masai Mara from a tiny little airport with practically no security.We were on a tiny plane that made stops at the main lodges in the middle of the park.After a 20 min…
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Naivasha, Kenya
So after a day of rest in Nairobi, on Sunday, Neha, Rahul and I headed to Nanyuki to visit the International Humanity Foundation's orphanage. (The International Humanity Foundation is the orga…

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Nanyuki, Kenya
The Climb
It's 4am on day three of our climb of Mt. Kenya, we are one hour in for the day's climb to Peak Lenana. It's below freezing, windy, I am nauseas, we both have killer headaches, we…
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seth Im pretty sure I saw the same thing at the natural history museum in nyc...
re: Masai Mara, KenyaSeth That is so cool, crazy stuff happens in elevation, but I wish I was there, very jealous
re: Nanyuki, KenyaJenny Wow! You girls are impressive! I never would've been able to do that! Good job!
re: Nanyuki, Kenya- last visited

- travel plan
- Nairobi, Kenya
- Mt. Kenya, Kenya
- Nakuru, Kenya
- Masai Mara Game Reserve, Kenya
- Accra, Ghana
- Aburi, Ghana
seth Im pretty sure I saw the same thing at the natural history museum in nyc...