Adventures As Lewis
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Lewis VanAusdle Thanks for the encouragement Britton!On Sun, Apr 23, 2017 at 2:50 PM wrote:
re: Fast and FasterbmBritton Redline Thank you for these blogs, Lewis! They really help me to think about & pray more deeply for our brethren in Malawi and Africa. I must say I tell people in the Church about you and Lena serving over there alot. You're both in our prayers.
re: Fast and FasterbmBritton Redline Thank you for these blogs, Lewis! They really help me to think about & pray more deeply for our brethren in Malawi and Africa. I must say I tell people in the Church about you and Lena serving over there alot. You're both in our prayers.
re: Fast and Faster[email protected] I admire your dedication to help and work with the Brethren in Malawi. My prayers are with you. In some way it reminds me of what HWA was doing when the Church started in Oregon decades ago, very grass-roots beginning! May God bless your efforts in every way!!
re: Fast and FasterLewis VanAusdle At the end of construction there are always broken bricks left over. Weused them to help level the ground before pouring concrete. It's cheaperand easier to use the materials on hand. Plus bricks hold up be than sand.On Fri, Apr 21, 2017 at 10:58 PM wrote:
re: Fast and FasterLupe Gonzalez I have another questions - beating down the broken bricks - can you explain that? I have an inkling that you're crushing them to make a gravel (brick piece) walkway but I'm unsure Be well. Lupe
re: Fast and FasterLupe Gonzalez Thanks Lewis! I had been following Brennan's illness online (FB) but hadn't heard if he was better yet. I really appreciate your blog. Be well. Lupe
re: Fast and FasterLewis VanAusdle I don't think I had ever thought about that before. But that is a really good idea. I think I might try burning leavening from now on.
re: Tour of Tel Aviv and Jaffadmac Very nice blog Lewis. You are learning valuable spiritual principles by some "earthy" experience. Slaughtering a lamb in preparation for the meal is about as hands on as it can be. When we kept the Feast of Tabernacles in Kenya a few years ago we learned how it must have been in ancient Israel. You are seeing the same with your experience in Malawi. Our "modern" way of keeping the holy days is far removed from some of the principles God intended. Keep up the good work!
re: Preparation DaysMarjorie Ashley I am a latecomer to this blog about Israel. I understand they burn their leaven before Days of Unleavened Bread. Makes sense, since putting it off their property would be putting it on his neighbor's property, and someone else dumping theirs on the dumper's property. Might as well not get rid of it.
re: Tour of Tel Aviv and Jaffagonzolupe I love these photos and videos If only the videos were 'right side up' it would be easier to view them. appreciated greatly! Lupe
re: Old Friends and Uncharted TerritoryGayle Hoefker Thanks for the update Lewis. I feel like I am having a personal chat with you. I look forward to seeing you in May at the GCE.
re: Ides and IdeasDenise Dobson Such descriptive and interesting blogs and photos! Thank you so much for sharing your adventures with us!
re: Blantyre and Beyond- last visited

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Britton Redline I am so happy you're back in the Saddle!!