Once we reached Tomo's place in Chiba, he went straight in to drop an old school hip hop set on his technics. After some funny conversation it dawned on me that I was staying with the Japanese version of Niki. The thing at the top of my list for Chiba was to climb Mount Nokogiri, so I headed that way the following morning via a couple bullet trains. The beginning of the trail forks off into three different directions. I went for the most direct route thinking it'd be the popular choice. It started off pretty steep and I had my eyes peeled for snaked as Tomo'd warned they'd be around. I soon discovered some head-height webs each with colourful and fair-sized spiders in them. I did around 2k and didn't see a soul/snake but heard what sounded like a bear. Needless to say I didn't stick around. I tore the 2k back , keeping an eye on the ground for snakes and ducking the webs above, and joined the rest of the tourists on the cable car!
I went over to Sakura Town but had only taken a snap shot of my route to the station and the locals couldn't tell what I was after so I gave up and headed to Naritasan Shinshoji temple. It was getting dark by then and me getting used to my new cam still, I'd had it set on specials effects, so it all looks pretty funky. I hadn't yet cooked for any of my hosts so that night I rustled up a Fadhelio-style omelette. This went down as I'd hoped and Tomo brought back a couple cheeky pales to compliment the dish...
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