Hey Barry - wow you guys are really doing the world - you should publish your trip when you get back. The office misses you and it's pretty different. So you guys keep blogging as we are all living it through your eyes. Take care and stay safe! Suz
Sam! And Scott
hello. hello. HELLO! In your pictures it looks your having a great time. Anyway, me and my little brother miss you and we will be lonely at the bus stop in the mornings when school starts! hehe. Toodles!!!!!!
Sounds like a trip of a lifetime, and it's just the beginning. Nice pictures. I saw Margaret's packing skills. Not bad, but I don't see a lot of room to bring me back multiple items from across the world. I presume "Barry" will be purchasing another back pack, just to hold all of my contents. I was wondering how you have the time to do all the things you're doing and still keep the readers reading the updated blog reports of your travels. Oh.....that's right, you don't have a job! Ok, ok a little envious maybe. You guys take care and stay safe. Margaret's other Barry
Omgosh Connor! I can`t believe you are gone! We are all going to miss you so much!! I hope you had a great birthday, and I hope to hear from you soon! Have Fun, Breanne
Karen Fradette
Hi Barry, I've been reading about your travels and am so envious right now. It has been a few years since I was back in Scotland, Wales and England. Have a great time with your family. Your kids will have amazing memories to relay to their friends at the end. Karen
Wow - sounds like you're having an amazing time after a bumpy start (although there are worse places than Calgary to hang around in). I hope that glitch ends up being the worst you encounter, and you continue to love experiencing all the wonders that are out there. Love, Alida, Jake, Matt & Josh.
I'm so excited that you're in York - I love it. I went to Sunday Service at Yorkminster - the oldest and grandest Cathedral in England!!!! Don't forget to do that midnight ghost tour and a visit to the Yorvik Centre and the Shambles. A walk along the wall is breathtaking. Have a wonderful day. Love you all. Mom (Oma)
Arlene Cattell
Hi, looks wonderful, could you maybe put more captions with the pics? Keep up the good work. Love
Christine Mackey
It is great to receive your updates and photos. Sorry your trip got off to such a rough start, but looks like you are enjoying yourselves now. Let Tessa know that Brenna is on holidays and she will email when she returns. Christine
Mike Smith
Fabulous blogging. I laughed out loud at the description of the single lane roads. The Scottish pictures are amazing. Looking forward to more. Mike
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Connor, you old fart! I hope you guys are having fun...who knows...maybe your parents will let you drink a Scottish beer...let me know...and tell them to drink one for me. Keep putting up the pictures and the blogs....Hi to everyone! Ciao for now. Isabel
Auntie Susie
Happy belated birthday Connor! I bet you will never forget this one. Well guys....What a wonderful way to start your trip. At least you got all of your bad luck out right at the start. Scotland is absolutely breathtaking. Thank you so much for the pictures. If you should come across the castle of Bruce Mac Dougall, could you please take a pic for me. You know - the family home... Ha! Ha! Take care and stay warm. We love you lots. Susie, Nick & Julia