Happy Birthday Connor! We're betting it was unforgettable!
Dan Donnelly
Looks like you are having a great time, but what is with all the sweaters and winter coats, what happened to the nice summer weather? Keep sending the photos. Dan
Cait And Mary
Hey Lewis Family !!
First, Connor - Happy (belated) Birthday! I'm jealous (as always)! I remember on my 14th birthday, I was stuck bowling with my family, but no, you get to party it up in Scotland. Did you get to have a pint on your birthday? How about any hot Scottish girls? Any possible wedding dates and we should be planning far in advance, just in case we were to miss our flights and go through the same "auspiciousness" as you guys did. Haha!!
Second, Tessa - I see you're wearing Oma's sweater. That's awesome, but me and my mom were wondering where Connor's hat is... (rofl)
Uncle Barry - we were glad to see you supporting / advertising Rees NDT by wearing one of my dad's hats; we're hoping that people will need some of their cracks inspected, (I don't think my dad's ever inspected Scottish cracks before, but I could be wrong... ewww!) Anyway, we all have our fingers crossed that my dad one day can open up a business down there, and everyone in the family can move down there and work, kinda like it is already, haha - it sure looks beautiful!
Auntie Margaret - my mom and I were looking at the photos and noticed some amazing looking flowers, you better be bringing home seeds. not to make you jealous or anything but the yard, and my mom's flowers are beautiful; everything is coming very nicely. By the time you guys get home, it will be fabulous.
I don't know how you guys do it, I would be so homesick by now. Keep on having an amazing time, can't wait to read your next blogs and see the new pictures!!!! You should take a picture of a goodlooking Scottish guy for me and, while you're at it, get an email address and phone number...
Love you and miss you a lot but we're glad you're gone. Ha ha ha ha ha (ok, not really, but we do love and miss you). - Caitlin and Mary
Hi all, looks like you're all having a great time. The pictures are great. Sucks about all the flight mix ups, but I'm glad it all worked out in the end. Happy Birthday Connor. Hope you're having a good one. Ashley
Hi!! Looks like you are having a great time so far. Enjoy yourselves and keep healthy and happy. Love
hi everyone!! glad to hear from you all. happy birthday connor!! i hope you are having a wonderful scottish birthday? do they celebrate birthdays differently in scotland? are you wearing a kilt for your birthday? so, connor and tessa, wanna a challenge from auntie for this trip around the world. in each place that you visit, you need to post a picture of the two of you in traditional clothing. hope your hams are looking good, nephew! no driving your parents nutty trying to find a way to meet the challenge, but don't you think it would be fun!!?? hope your trip is running more smoothly. hope you are having an incredible birthday!! love you all!! alison
Oh, wow, what a way to start but glad you're having fun after a chaotic beginning. Even Connor and Tessa will always know how to read 24 hr. times henceforth and evermore. Thanks for all the photos and updates. Opa sent birthday greetings to you earlier today Connor. Hope you got them and had a wonderful day. We love you all. Mom and Dad (Oma and Opa)
Kate Faulder
Happy Birthday Connor! And hello to all the other Lewises. :) I hope you guys are having a great trip so far. From Kate
John And Donna
Hi Tessa, Connor, Margaret & Barry, Great pictures. Let's review this, scotch, afternoon tea, guinness... I would say you are having a great trip. Take care and have a good trip. John
...and if that was oatmeal in the bowl, good for you!! Donna
Hey guys! Just wanted to say "buy me a fan from china, please and thank you". Well, hope you have fun!!!!
Mike Smith
Looking forward to seeing the world through your eyes! Be safe and have fun.
Hi Tessa and family! No need to say "hope you're havin' fun" because I know you guys are! Have LOTS of fun and take lots of pics. Hope the weather's nice, too. mia