What a nights sleep. We were woken up by banging and all sorts, only to find out the next day that it was the monkeys jumping up and down having a ball!! We were both quite sleepy and found it hard to get up. Had a shower and some breaky and off we more boxes yipppee. On the tandem we were dogging monkeys, cats, dogs and cars!!
Lots of people smiling and lots of toots from the cars and buses everyone loves it and so do we. what a buzz!! It was a very very hot day and we stopped on the side of the road for some foos and shade. 26.34miles later we arrive at Cha-am beach and found an hotel we could. This one was 3 pounds no hot water which was fantastic as we were over heating anyway!! I had to lie straight on the bed as i started to feel a bit faint. Top up with lots of weater and food!! Both out bums are a bit sore, but thankfully no sunburn!!!!
Wicked Day!!
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