Today we went to Koh Kood by speed boat. As we moved towards land to drop some people off, we caught a glimpse of people waving at us so being the nice English that we are we returned the signal until we realised that actually they needed help! But in true Thai style the speed boat headed over to them, tossed them a spanner and sped off!
Our first thoughts of Koh Kood aren't brilliant. It's not the untouched paradise we were looking for. Instead it's full of posh resorts which charge 200thb each for lunch, which is 160thb more than our normal bill.
At night we found Tawan Eco Bar owned by Jong. On arrival, 2 Argentinian's (Mariell & Rodrigo) were playing guitar and drums. We sat at listened until Matt asked what time they were performing. It turns out they had also just gone for a drink and decided to have a mess about, so guess what..........
Matt joined in with the Argentinian Reggae. The smile of his face was priceless after 6 weeks of not playing. As more people arrived at the bar it turned into more of a gig with Jong himslef hitting the stage with Bob Marley. As Matt abandoned Char for fame, she got chatting to Ester and Duncan from Oz and Holland. After a few more songs we all headed to eat at a little Thai place. The walk back to the bar in the pitch black wasn't a favourite of ours. On arrivial, Jong greeted us with a free bucket of Cuba Libre.
The cockroaches were back!! And this time it could fly!! We had no mosquito net in our new home so Matt acting the hard man again decided he would catch it! After some research last week we had a better plan!! Supposably spraying one with soapy water would momentarily stop its breathing and allow you to flip it onto its back to finalise the capture. So weapons in hand Matt dived in (a bathmat, a 2l bottle, spray and bowl). This did not go to plan and it ended with Matt throwing everything, screaming and running (he claims it landed on his chest but Char had no idea as she hid under a blanket when it started to fly!) As it flew into the bathroom, Matt pulled himself together and acted fast..... once again the 'butt gun' saved us!
C & M xx
Today's firsts:
- a screaming beetle
- seeing a massive spider in its web
- finding a dead squid on the shore
- comments