Katrinedals Skole
Katrinedals Skole is a Primary School built in 1936 catering for approx. 700 students from grade P - 6 in Copenhagen. The school is trialling a program of staggered enrolments. The students are enrolled in the school the day after they turn 5.
The school provides an extensive program based around an age / grade concept. ICT is extensively used throughout the schools programs.
The school has a policy of purchasing P.C's without monitors.The monitors are older ones donated by the parents of the school. The school believe the appearance of flat screens would promote break ins and send a wrong message to the school community that the school is wealthier than it really is. Thirty eight laptops on trolleys are also available for the children to use.The school has endorsed the government's policy of providing extensive computers to children in grade 3 and has followed the accountability requirements of surveys and ratio of computers.
The library has pods of computers for the children to use including a pod of 6 computers to allow the children to use for the playing of games. The computers are used extensively in the language program of Danish, English, French and German with a number of online learning programs and licensed software purchased by the school. Laptops are also used extensively in the special needs programs. Software such as Microsoft Sound Voice is used to read aloud.
Extensive construction work has taken place to build spaces for the children to work outside the classroom.The "banana" areas above the library provide areas for the children to work.
Internet is used extensively with 100md fibre into the school. The school has developed a dual network developed by the teachers of Denmark. Unisys is the host. The Homepage has three sections:
Parent - Mother
- Father
Each section is unique:
Students Section contains:
·Bulletin Board
·Class Documents
·Working Space
·Over 23000 sound clips
·Links to sites
Teacher Section contains
·Working school documents
·Student work
Parent Section contains:
- Separate mother / father site. One can't see the other to allow discrete information to be sent to one parent without other seeing it. Covers situations where family is split.
- Email to teacher facility
- Child's attendance record
- Child's behaviour record
- Child's academic performance record
- School News
The school has a policy that an email sent by a parent is replied to within 3 working days.
The school has made a decision to cut off filtering of sites. Instead the children are educated into being selective about what they use. They work on idea that filtering should be in the head.
Currently the Admin platform and the Curriculum platform are not linked but hoped to be in the near future.
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