Woke up and got the metro to acropoli station to check out acropolis. It was pretty cool and the Parthenon looked cool apart from the scaffolding all around it. Te sign said it would be finished in 2004.. Just 6 years late.. Greekish time shown again. We got back just after 10 and had a quick rest before meeting downstairs for the shuttle bus. We headed over to Athens airport and checked in our luggage before having a browse and sitting around for 2 or so hours to wait for the plane to depart at around 2 pm. We had a good flight only 2 hrs or so and got fed too. When we got off we went straight to the hotel. The bus pretty much had right of way and just beeped at anything that got in it. Pretty much every car on the road had at least one dint in it and so many cars had too many people and people without seat belts. It was funny to see all the houses with satellite dishes on their roofs. It looked so weird. They also all had air-cons. It wasn't what i expected which is a bit dumb of me and i guess i never thought of it enough but i was thinking they would have dirt streets and little one story houses. It didn't help that id been told they poo in the streets to add to my expectations because i didn't notice it where we were. The air looked a bit dirty too because of the desert sand in the wind. It wasn't too bad though. A lot of the shop signs were very dirty too. A lot of the people but not all were wearing the headdresses and the men wore long dresses too. We saw a few donkeys dragging carts up the streets as well. There were a few places that were really neat and tidy and looked just like anywhere else but also some places where the ground was jut covered in piles and piles of rubbish. I wondered if it was always like that though or just because of the recent riots and revolution they had with their government. There were quite a few places that were burnt down or had broken windows too. We checked in at the hotel and got changed to go on our Nile river dinner cruise. Its funny how many security scans we went through ad beeped but they just tell you to keep going. We couldn't really see the point. It was nice but when you looked at the water closely it was quite dirty. They had a smorgasbord which was ok but I didn't like it that much. The desserts were awesome though. It was weird getting used to paying in Egyptian pounds though because it was between 120 and 200 of them for a bottle of wine. You could go on the top deck too and they had a band and belly dancer performer as well as male performers that danced with big sheets and little drums and things. I was pretty b*****ed though and haven't made the best of friends with anyone yet so wasn't as good as it could have been. we got home about 11pm and went straight to bed.
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