Well it will be 2 weeks tomorrow that I have been here in Melbourne. It fels like i have been here a lot lnger. The weather has been really wierd and extreme, this saturday just gone we experienced the hottest day on record in Melbourne with the temp reaching 47 degrees, I spent this whole day inside trying not to move as no air con!! Then the following day it was 21 degrees, cloudy, rainy and cold. The last few days have been pretty scary, I am staying with my friend Becky at the moment, just past a place called Bundora, which I have pinpointed on the map. We were only 10 miles ish from where the bush fires reached too, so it was pretty tense, friends and family of Beckys have lost their homes. Touchwood the worst is over now.
Have not done much sightseeing yet, been to the city a few times too look round. Went to a street festival on Sunday in St Kilda, which is like a beach resort, had lots of live bands there so was pretty cool. not doing much the next couple of days but looking forward to the weekend as it is my birthday. Going out for dinner on Friday night, then patying in the City, Saturday not sure yet? The Sunday loads of us are heading to a festival called "Good Vibrations", which Fatboy slim is headlining, this is going to be amazing, and even better as this is the first dance festival I have ever been too!!!
Still trying to find a job at the moment, put in a couple of applications, but not heard anything back yet, so hopefully find something in the next couple of weeks. Me and gaz of on a road trip in just under 2 weeks, hopefully gonna hire a camper van for 5 days and drive from Melbourne to Sydney, we got a couple of friends there so gonna go visit them, so that should be pretty mental.
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