We made the 8am breakfast of cheese, tomatoes, sausage and melon, yes not our usual cornflakes but it was free. A briefing by a flotilla leaders Stewart and Hannah gave us our destination Sarsola. The ladies and Simon went off to Carrefour to shop. Beer was on Simon's list, the rest of us were thinking bread, cheese and fruit. Simon found the best deal in beer and was very disappointed to find out the price was per can and not the whole tray, Just as well probably otherwise they would have been drinking the beer instead of water!
At the briefings and Stewart instructing the men in the technical bits of the catamaran we were free to leave the marina. Shopping was delivered and stowed, luckily we had enough cake on board to last us a few days if nothing else. We managed to leave the marina without any hassle and the men were in control while the ladies sunbathed and enjoyed the sun and soon the sails were up, perfect.! The excitement of the day was losing a flag overboard , man over board drill to rescue the flag, Simon saved the day Then the black clouds started to build and the thunder and lightning entertained us on the shore while we sailed in the sun. Unfortunately the storm wanted to follow us and we could not escape . We lunched on the way but by the time we came into Sarsola at 4.30 pm the rain lashed down but the luxury of the covered deck allowed us to enjoy our G&Ts in comfort while watching the rain. We hope to see the pretty bay in the sunshine in the morning. Simon went for a run up a mountain, Graham Sarah and Duncan swam in the rain and I wrote the blog and drank G&T. Jenny made trophies and Beth put on her false nails.
Punch party at restaurant. Lots of food and good starters , Hannah and Stu joined us. Tomorrow we hopefully we will have fresh fish as the fishing lines are out and we are just waiting for the first bite.
The Don't Panic daily trophy was awarded to Simon for rescuing the flag without panicking.The girls team won the evening games. I think the boys will seek revenge tomorrow.
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