the same as yesterday, I now have only five minutes to finish telling you all what has happened recently.
after Gregs house we headed for Melbourne - a lovely city if you like that kind of thing. we didnt do much in the evening due to a lack of sleep in the house of horrors the night before! we stayed in a hostel called Base Backpackers, which is a bit too big for my liking - you dont really get a friendly atmosphere there! after listening to four 18 yearolds trying to roll a splif in our room (they were at it from 9-11 which wazs a bit annoying) I finaly got some sleep.
the next day we decided not to stay in melbourne but to head to Philip Island ?(i finaly remembered the name of this place - at one point i thought it was called tracey island). on the wAY WE MAMANGED TO FIND RAMSAY STREET which was pretty awesome, took lots of photos and looked like an idiot tourist, it had to be done!
so we are now on philip island. im going fishinh today and may be doing bar work at the motor bike world championships!
love to all, moneys run out again!
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