hello friends,
I am now in Brisbane and enjoying the heat. I hired some roller blades yesterday and explored the city with my dutch friend. he forgot to mention that he could acctualy use the damn things. theres me clinging on to the railings and he's off jumping over steps! although if your looking to pick up girls (not that I am so please dont be angry at me laura) then give it ago, cause you definatly get the sympathy vote! one girl tried to hand me a flier, as I smoothly bladed past, unfortunatly i didnt realise i was going down hill with no railings about, so I grab the flier and increase speed - I look up just in time to see a street sign connect with my face, i'm on the floor (but not to worry, i'm wearing all the protective gear and lookin good). so after two hours of pure humilation we return the skates and I vow to try it again, no matter how much it hurts!
I did receive major man points in Nimbin, we went to a water hole (a big deep hole full of water - as the name suggests), and I was the first guy to attempt the rope swing which was about 15 METERS off the ground and flung you atleast another 5! you can all tell me how manly I was on the message board if you like. wait till you see the photos of that! the worst part was when you let go of the rope and have time to think "b*****, this is high, maybe I shouldnt have done this, good god that waters coming at me fast, b***** I'm gonna belly flop!" - yes, you have time to think all of that before you hit the water! but i was a man and there was no stopping me, I even thought about doing it a second time!
today we are off to Steve Irwins zoo and then for my surfing times in Noosa.
Oh yeah and I met Jack Johnson the other day, he pulled up next to our car in Byron bay with his two kids, pretty crazy huh???
better go cause i have a feeling that everyones waiting for me.
speak to you soon!
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