once again - photos are coming later :-)
We decided to lighten our load for the next 2 weeks, so we left most of our stuff in KL and set off on this journey with just our day bags. 2 pairs of pants and a few t-shirts and underwear,i mean you are a traveller or you're not! Seam Reap here we go ... Let the adventure begin !
First day in Cambodia, my lifelong dream was realised (Leesa)...when I arrived at the airport, in the middle of lot of other signs, someone was holding a sign with my name on it!! Ara was our Tuk-Tuk driver, and the journey from the beautiful airport at Siem Reap to the city was filled with sights and smells that were so different from anything we'd seen before!
Siem Reap as a city isn't amazing, it's not so much a city as a place for travellers to wait to see Angkor. Our hostel was $4 a night and for that we get an un-airconditioned room with a shared bathroom and cold shower. The staff at the guesthouse were lovely however, and we enjoyed a lot of time in the gorgeous eating area drinking watermelon juice!
5am the next day, yes 5 am ! we were back in the Tuk-Tuk (amazing i insist ) with Ara on our way to see the sunrise at Angkor Wat! Angkor Wat is amazing but there were way too many people and even more cameras to really experience it. Next we rode the Tuk-Tuk through a temple, where there were Elephants (ok they have smaller ears than the african ones but still! )and onwards to some more temples. These temples were amazing, and much less busy than Angkor Wat. Also surrounded by lots of Forest which was really peaceful. Whilst sitting and enjoying the peace, we met a lovely Canadian called Matt, who told us about his travel so far. We agreed to meet him that night. Next was the 'tomb raider' temple - I can't remember its real name, which was nice but also really crowded so we didn't stay long.however we made sure to have some ''tomb raider'' pictures in temple ( coming soon ). Etienne was extremely disappointed by the lack of monkeys, but we're hoping we'll see some somewhere else!
We went to meet Matt in the evening but accidentely went to Happy Angkor Pizza instead of Happy HERB Pizza and missed each other! Sometimes the lack of phones is a bit painful - if you ever read this we didn't stand you up buddy! Had a small bit of Happy Pizza regardless which pretty much put us to sleep!
Off to Phnom Penh next!
Etienne here ,
nous arrivons a Siem Reap dans un charmant tout petit aeroport !belle entrée en matiere donc avec jolis batiments aux toits cambodgiens ,beautifull! par contre le personnel qui valide votre visa fais la gueule , acceuil facon gestapo ,ca fait pas plaisir mais passons.
On se rendra tres vite compte dáilleurs que grande majorité des cambodgiens sont charmant et ne nous vois pas que comme des simples smelly hippies ! ( quelqu'un a dit que l'uniforme rendrait con? mauvaise langues!! )
Ara notre touk touk est venu nous cherché a láeroport et nous emmene en touk touk donc ( mortel ! ) a notre lieu de residence !
la on chute de l'hotel 5 etoiles a l' auberge 5 moustiques! Sans rire c'est pas trop mal (a part la douche froide au milieu des toilettes et araignees) mais ca gratte!
Heureusement Leesa organisatrice en chef a pensé au spray et a la mosquito net!!
petit nuit de repos car demain on attaque tambour battant avec un reveil a 5 o 'clock du matin pou profiter du sunrise sur les temples!!
1/2 heure de touktouk ( genial ,j' insiste ! ) et nous voila a Angkor et ses temples!
genial ,super beau ( photo arriveront des que faire ce peut ) !
On a beaucoup apprecier les marches entres les temples ,atmosphere de sanctuaire ,peacefull... tu te surprendrait presque a méditer en marchant faut fire que les moines drappés de tuniques oranges tout autour vous mettent en condition!
le soir on appreciera les joies des ''happy pizzas '' ,pas forcement amateur de '' happy'' quoi que ce soit d'habitude mais la quand meme cést culture locale ,et quand il ságit de culture... nous on test!! :-D
sinon siem reap ca a été beaucoup de repos et de jus de pasteque!
on a decidé demain on part pour Phnom Phen , ticket booké pour les bus 7h de trajet dans une carlingue tape cul au possible ,qui si elle vous surprendrait a dormir, vous rappelerait vite ou vous etes en vous projettant de sieges a l'avant!!
nous gouteront donc demain au joie des transport pas chere!
a tres vite pour de nouvelles aventures!
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