If anyone wants to read this im just writing a little blog to let you know what i'm getting up to whilst im jetsetting.
Ohhh ok so far, since monday I have been in Bangkok, which is amazing and very strange. It is actually hotter than the surface of the sun here about 40 oC. So I am very glad that i have a room with aircon, my guesthouse is called new joes guesthouse and its...well basic at best. The cold showers took a bit of getting used to but a great way to cool down.
Khosan Road! wow, its a massive mixture of almost every group of people you can possibly imagine. All i've heard all day whilst walking around is suit suit suit (a cheap thai made suit), tuk tuk tuk tuk (a small motorized thai health hazard) and ping pong show ping pong show (a small non-motorized thai health hazard), very strange. You can't seem to walk a foot without being talked to by some strange thai person. Generally they all seem quite friendly, on my first day i got talking to a middle aged thai man called Tallb (i think) who warned me about the dangers of scooter travel in bangkok, to which i though well its a little obvious as everyone is on their phone whilst driving, usually eating with the other and checking out the scenery. Anyway, he then proceeded to tell me he's seen such horrible accidents that they make him beat his wife, an unusual stress relief method i know but each to their own.
Anyway I have been running around looking at the temples, statues, museums and various strange thai bars and restaurants, its been great. We have decided to play thai-food roulette, which involves randomly picking something from a menu or grubby looking street seller, a few of the choices so far have been a little suspect (what we hope was chicken on a stick). I have met up with rosie now and we are going to travel down to Koh Toa tonight which takes about 10 hours on a bus and then a boat ride, but it should be nice to see a completely different part of thailand. As she has been travelling for 2months already, she is exceptionally brown and i look like a little white ghost beside her. So i'm definately looking forward to the beaches. We've heard that although very beautiful, its also quite expensive in the south so I can imagine i will be eating a lot more "meat" from street venders.
Hope you all are well back home xxx
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