The Whizzing of Oz Tour
So we are in tokyo. The writing is coming out a bit weird on this keyboard because it keeps switching from pictures or japanese to english which is obviously the computers fault and not mine. But this is just to let everyone know we have arrived safely and are now checked in to our hostel which is awesome (pics to follow). We had a wander around the city today as we couldnt check in until 4. I got hissed at by an old japanese man which was strange. Off to bed now, been awake for nearly 30 hours.
Lots of love
Siobhan (and lee who has already fallen asleep in our room)
- comments
Beth "hissed at by an old man" - only you siobhan! Xxxx
Nick Glad you both got there safely and your room is nice. Hey Shush you haven't got any 'Japanese Symbol' tattoos have you that someone in Camborne told you meant 'Peace' or 'Love' but actually means 'If you're an old man hiss at me and I will kiss you' or something....
Nikki Glad to hear you are already taking in some of the sights (even if that includes weird old men) Loving this whole blogging thing! Keep it up :)
mum glad you arrived safe how was journey maybe man saw a lovely tall woman watch out lee cant wait for photos sleep well
Martin Hey guys!! Glad you got there safe :) Just to let you know it hasnt stopped raining here!! I hope your having an awesome time, Everyone in work keeps asking how you are Lee so what should i say??! and Mark asked me if you changed your number to which i replied yes because you dont like him...that ok??!! P.S That council taxbill turned up!! I have sent you a message on facebook, cant get away from the diff that easy :) Martin