It's been a really packed time since I wrote my last entry. The teaching has been keeping me very busy, trying to prepare lessons for the kids. The teacher doesn't make it any easier by just randomly not turning up for days at a time. Who knew you could make up a lesson on the spot so easily when you have to! I'm just trying to do things that involve lots of colouring and singing. The trouble is that they're so used to just sitting in a class and being lectured to that they don't want to get involved. Then when they do start to say things you can't get them to stop! But I think that they're learning more from me so I guess I'm doing some good.
The main exciting thing this week was going over to Zimbabwe for the weekend. I have a pretty visa from the trip now! We went on a lion walk with some 17 month old lions. It was absolutely amazing! The photos just don't do justice to the size they were. I didn't think we'd be able to get so close to them but we were stroking them and hugging them; it was fantastic. They then let us go and see some of the 5 month olds who were really cute looking. I warn you that there are a zillion lion photos in the Zimbabwe photo album on here! The went on a horse back safari. Saw lots of warthogs and antelope things. We also saw an elephant but it was far in the distance. Then that evening we went to a restaurant called the Boma. It served lots of game animals like crocodile, eland, ostrich and warthog. Warthog is extremely tasty. I also ate a mapani worm. It was disgusting! Salty and crunchy, yuk! They also taught us how to play the drums and we made fools of ourselves trying to do some tradiationl dancing. A great night.
The next morning I went to see the Victoria Falls. They were incredible. There was sop much spray from them that when we left after about 2 hours we were soaked, even in the heat. I got a bit snap happy again, so I warn you that there are loads of scenery shots of the falls too!
Ok, that's all I've got time to write as I'm going to try and upload the photos. Fingers crossed it works!
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