So, my first entry from Zambia. Guess first thing to say is that I made it here no problems. There was an interesting 20 minutes at customs in Jo'burg where I had to emptyout my bag. Apparently it 'looked' too heavy. But as long as you smile there don't seem to be any problems. In fact everyone here is really smiley and friendly, locals and other volunteers alike.
I'm lodged in Mambo House sharing a huge room with 2 other American girls. Think there's about 10 in total in my house and 2 other houses of 7 and 5. The house is nice, kind of old colonial style. And we have a pool, yay! So far I've just had an induction morning. Don't get let loose in a school until Wednesday. Apparently I might end up taking a whole class which sounds quite scary, buyt I'm sure it'll be fine. For the afternoons there are loads of different projects to get involved with. Think todays is an introduction to the Elephant Pepper Project.
This weekend there's a planned trip to Zimbabwe to se the falls from the other side. Also get to go for a lion walk and a horse back safari. There is so much to do here you could easily fill all your weekends for months. I like the sound of the elephant trek safari!
The internet here is pretty slow so I don't know how eay it'll be to upload photos. Might have to keep you all on eagerly awaiting them until I get to South Africa, or even Oz.
Well, think that's about it for now. I'm having a great time so far and everyone who's been out here for a bit says how much they love it an how quick the time goes. So I have high hopes!
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