So four hours on the Baz Bus and we arrived in Plettenberg Bay. One main road runs through this town which houses a beach with much marine life and surrounding parks. The hostel we stayed at was pretty cool, we all felt at home there so we just took the opportunity to have a rest and a couple of beers.
It is here we met a scottish couple by the name of Chris and Michelle, they were really cool and had been travelling on there honeymoon for ten months.......ten months taking in no less than 30 countries. I mea when they told me I thought, hmmm a ten month honeymoon how cool would that be. Anyhow they kindly offered to give us a lift the next day to the Robberg nature reserve.
So the next day we were up and shoved our stuff into storage as with all the rooms you have to be out a ten am ugh. So anyhow that sorted we headed out to Robberg. Now Robberg is a peninsula whcih is rocky and houses several large marine life animals including seals and dolphins. It also ouses millions of much more micrscopic insects called ants and my goodness there were loads of them it was ridiculous. If you stood still for one second they would try and hitch a ride......sorry ants this bus was out of service, you can only imagine the jigging that ensued. I pulled some fancy moves I can tell you shaking my leg here and stamping my foot there, soon everyone was doing it..... to get the blighters off.
Despite the ants the scenery was awesome and there was many seals, you could smell them before you could ear or see them, I mean bless them they are cute but they dont half smell.
In all I thnk we were walking about three hours, there was a bit of scrambling involved and at times I thought the tide may be coming in but all was good and the beaches were practically deserted. I couldnt resist the temptation of having a paddle, the waves were too big ti jump right in. On the way back we saw this group of older ladies with these massive rucksacks, im not quite sure where they were going because you cant camp. They mus have been doing some conditionin training or something. I tell you they could have had everything including the kitchen sink in those bags, and i thought i was over cautious taking my bright orange bivvy bag on treks (not on this particular trip though) .
Anyhow that walk done we headed back to the hostel to freshen up before the trip on the bus. By this point Dan and Ben had decided that they would come with us on the bus as they decided that Plettenerg Bay was retirement city and they were not keen on the older lady!!!!
So we made our way to storms river.
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