Now where was I, I cannot remember it was so long ago since I updated my journal so therefore all of the journal dates are out of sync until I consult the manually constructed kind, the one that is hand written that also is unfortunately a litte behind!
So after the fish and chip incident and the drunken locals trying to pull the tent down everybody finally got some sleep. However it was an early start for me the next morning as I was on cooking duty that day, so I was awake at 6am, the cockrel made sure of that anyway! Breakfast duty basically meant that I had to put the kettle on and make some toast and there was two of us on that duty so as you can imagine it was hardly taxing. Afer everyone had got breakfast we had to put away the tents and pack up the truck to get on our way. Now we had quite mastered the art of putting a tent away until that morning when the blasted thing would not fit into the bag, I mean I asked myself had I not rolled it te exact same way I had done for the last ten mornings!!!! For goodness sake the grass was also quite wet that morning owing to the sprinlers.... nice one. So I was last to put the tent on the truck, I cannot be having that now can I!
Anyhow so we made our way back into Rundu where we would stock up supplies for the next few days. This meant that truck duty had to be covered which I quite like as the kids come up and speak to you, they are normally after money or food to which you have to say no (which is not the reason I like doing truck duty) but they normally have a cheeky smile for you too!!.
No sooner had Martina (our tour leader) gone to get suplies she was back which meant etra vigilance was required as when she had her back turned one of the little whippersnappers would ususally go for the trolley!! Luckily I have been blessed with fairly log legs so I was able to sit on the truck step and keep one foot on the shopping trolley!!. Everythng nd everyone loaded onto the bus we headed off for Etosha. o sooner had we turned the corner than some official stopped the truck, now I dont know about anyone else but everytime someone official wants to do anything I get this sudden feeling of paranoia that they will surely find something wrong with me or my possessions!! Imagine thesense of relief I felt when all he wanted to do was do a head count.... Everyone accounted for we set off on our merry way again.
A few miles down the road we were stopped again, tis time to check for dairy and meat products......... would we carry such contraband??? all you need to know is that we set off on our way without any problems! A few toliet stops (the ususal culprits) and a lunch stop later we finlly made it t Etosha National Park. I was so excited ... fortunately I didnt pee my pants!
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