Despite the impression given by my blog, I am still alive and kicking. I have been in Hong Kong now for two weeks, didn't plan on staying this long but have enjoyed it lots! I had to wait 5 days for my Vietnamese visa, and now another 6 for the Indian one so I have put all this time to good use, by doing things like shopping and... well that's basically it.
Hong Kong is really great, I thought it would be like Singapore but it seems to have much more culture, loads of Chinese medicine shops selling weird things, most of which don't smell too good, there markets all over the place and lots of mess...
It has been raining pretty much non stop since I arrived, we have had black storm warnings, floods, landslides, pretty exciting!
Gaynor and I were walking around one of the market streets and we saw some people in those hazmat suits shuffling around with a giant hose spraying down something on the street. Didn't really think anything of it, and learnt the next morning that there was a bird flu scare across Hong Kong and all the chickens in wet markets were being slaughtered!
You don't see that every day...
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