Trying to get organised. Missed breakfast again! Took our laundry to laundrette then came back to realised we were peckish so went to a local cafe and had eggs on toast and a latte! Typical Brit! So decided we needed to start looking like we were in a hot country so decided to try and top up our tans at the roof top pool before the fun really began the day after! Char had children's 50+ sunscreen on however still managed to burn, Lauren's had an allergic reaction to ? Sand mites bites/ tiger balm/ mosquito zapper and came out in blisters. Lauren thought she had malaria and was ready to admit herself to the local hospital. However they were very large and itchy bless her. Following this we went to the travel advisor place to pick up our passports and visas the man decided to tell us that he had missed the embassy so me and char were about to the cry he then laughed and pulled out our passports from under the desk.. Phew! Loz then hit him with her passport. Char then realised my face was in her visa in her passport . We laughed for ages then had a realisation that char might not be able to get in the country they had to phone the embassy. All was ok. We can finally move from Bangkok
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