Great pictures and I'm glad you managed to cram so much into your visit. I've never been so far up as you went so it was interesting to see your travels.
Have a great trip back and don't make any hasty decisions on your future. You'll have a long time to become all grown up and serious. Enjoy it while you can. Oh! it's going to be a scorching summer here by the way.
Wendy Smith
Some more great photos Laura. Enjoy your last few days and have a safe journey home. It'll be great to see you.
loadsalove Wendy et al
hi chick x
dropped you an email, your photos are so lovely, and the bad thing is, they probably don't even do the places half of the justice of how beautiful it really is, well my thoughts are with you.
love wendy xx
Dad Peake
Hi the water looks realy nice and i bet you needed it after a long day in the sun, a good way to cool down. Shame not many days left till you are back in the UK and the cool of the summer. Talk soon Dad xxx
Dad Peake
Hi Well a good set of photo's worth all the effort of trecking up the side of the hills (joke) very good, wait for the next set talk soon Dad xxxx PS right little globe trotter.
Elizabeth Hastie
You look happy in your photos, enjoy yourself hen, you only live once.Enjoy the rest of your time. love maxx
Graham Sherwood
Great to see that you got to some of my suggestions. I could taste the banana bread in your picture. Hope the fish and chips were as good as I remember them. Have fun in Ularu.
Dad Peake
Hi Love the photo's shame about the weather looking forward te the photo's off your bridge hope the weather is better for it, Back in the UK now talk soon . PS see from your e-mail the legs ache. Dad xxxx
Graham Sherwood
Good to see you made it the Blue Mountains. Make sure you go into the Hattery for a proper Aussie hat. Hope Sydney goes well and you enjoy the bridge climb.
Wendy Smith
Hiya Laura the explorer
Thanks for great photos. Hope you're doing OK love.
Wendy xx
Elizabeth Hastie
lovely photos, have a nice trip up north, will speak to you soon luv ma
Wendy Smith
Haven't been on for a while - been really busy so had some catchin up to do. I just love the photos of the apostles, koala's etc. Look like you're having a great time and both of you look very happy and well.