More lovely pics, they were good one of the who, your dad will like them when he sees them, speak to you soon love to you both ma xxxx
Ollie & Lynsay
Great photo's :)
Your both looking well, Did you get the package?
Was any of it broke?
Speak soon xxx
Dad Peake
Hi Both good photo,s looks like you had a good time, i need to go and see one of these in Shanghi i think. You got the knack at taking photos at the end Do you remember the Who???
Lots of Love Dad Peake xxxxx
Elizabeth Hastie
Have just went through all your photos, looks like you are both having a wonderful time and long may it continue, speak to you soon , love ma xxxxxxxxxx
Graham Sherwood
Oh no, just seen the vineyard pictures, now I really am envious. I should have told Ollie about the fish and chip portions, they're massive aren't they?
Remember to sniff, sip and spit (that's the wine not the chips)
Graham Sherwood
Wow, this really brings back memories of our trip down the GOR in 2003. Since then (as your dad quite rightly says) there have been a couple of rock collapses and the landscape changed forever. Your pictures are really good, something to savour.
Keep on enjoying yourselves. I'm taking bets that you won't want to come home.
Dad Peake
Hi Both looks a great day out, looks like a lot of weather changes good photo, did you count the 12 Apostie only ten i think ?
Love Dad xxx
Hiya both,
Just seen your latest pics including the festival toilet one ... at least you got free sawdust !! I know the chinese "squatters" are awkward but at least they flush (ha ha ha).
Looks like your still having great fun ... look forward to the next installment.
Wendy Smith
Hiya Laura and Ollie
Great photos, looks like you're having a great time. Any news on a job yet or are things as bad there as here?
Oliver and Lyndsay brought your nan to Peter's 50th and really looked after her - what a star! She looked really sweet sitting there amongst all those people dancing (with the music blaring out). Great night - wish you could have been there.
Sunshine looks wonderful - we have had the first signs of Spring - at last.
With love
The Smiths xxx
Hey up Laura,
Nan has recieved your letter. Spoke to Lynz too she will sort that out with her mom.
Hope your both ok
Ollie xxx
Laura, you really must grow some bigger muscles lol glad to see you both looking so happy!!
Hiya both, just seen pics of the cricket ... not quite a "full house" there by the looks of it Ollie !! I'm in UK for a quick 10-day visit then fly back to China on Thursday. Melbourne looks great so continue to have fun you guys. Luv Annie xxx