Just thought i would come and let you know what we have been up to the last couple of days. We have been shopping at very large supermarkets where you can buy live toads,turtles and fish from tanks to take home and cook freshly!! We have prayed at a temple with chanting monks. Went to the beach where they have a handful of rides from the 80's!!we have played "spot the four" which is who can spot four people on one moped first!! its normal to see three people on one bike but seeing four is pure talent...when they drop shoppping off the bike its funny to watch who is going to get off and get it.
Its good to see my dad and where he lives so i can put a face and a picture to things that he talks about.He is also a great tour guide to ningbo.Off shopping this afternoon to the city of nigbo to a place called shoe city
Will put more photos on in a few days
love laura and ollie xx
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