Greetings from Orlando, Florida. We've only just got WiFi again so we can now update you with what we got up to in Washington DC!!
So as you can see we’ve already put our photos up from DC and hope you’ve enjoyed them!
We arrived in DC from Philly on Greyhound bus-with a little delay we arrived without a hitch!
We arrived at the hostel which was nice-not as nice as Philly-but still nicer than some!
Just as we arrived they were dishing up free pasta and invited us to join-so we did!
The 2nd day we were there we visited the White House – it was a lot smaller than we thought it would be! We then took a walk over to the Lincoln Memorial then round the other side of the lake to the Jefferson Memorial, which has a great view of the White House through the trees (which were Japanese cheery trees given as a gift from Japan and that they chopped down to get a better view!!) .We walked down the Mall and went to the Holocaust Museum-all the museums and attractions in DC are free! We then walked over to the US Capitol Building to see what we had to do about getting tickets for the tour. Walking back from the US Capitol we were told we had to walk around the entrance as the FBI had closed everything down ,as someone important was coming out, we never found out who it was. We walked so much today!!
The 3rd day we got up nice and early and was at the US Capitol building by 8.30am and was on the tour by 9.00am.We were only allowed into 3 of the rooms but they were interesting. We then got tickets to sit in the gallery of the Senate which was in session-not very interesting but nice to say that we have been! . On entering the building we had to bin all fluids, so that meant our full bottle of sun cream had to be binned. What we did was put the bottle between the bin and the bag,it worked but we had to wait a while as the place was closed down as there was a bomb threat (nothing to do with us) which was exciting! We then went Into the Library of Congress and had a look around. Our next stop was the National Archives Museum-we got to see the original copy of the Decleration of Independence, The Bill of Rights and the Constitution. Also seen one of the 4 copies of the Magna Carta. There were lots of interesting things in here. We then left and got soaked as there was a storm-I had forgotton my waterproof jacket and all Brian had spare was the Iceland poncho that you can see in the pictures!!How embarassing!! At least no-one in DC knew what Iceland was!! When we got back to the hostel there was a free chilli night going on so we sat down and ate for free again!!
We left DC on 1st August for Florida and arrived safe and sound. We’ll update our blog for Florida in a few days when we’ll have lots to tell you!!
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