Hi Everyone!
So here we are in Australia! We flew into Sydney at the end of November and spent a few days there checking out the sights! We then got a flight to Melbourne so we could get started on the search for a flat and a job.
We lived in the hostel for about 10 days before we found a flat, which is in East Melbourne. We live with another couple, Gav is from Southport and his girlfriend Jess is from Paris. They have showed us around the city and all the places to go to. We have really been concentrating on trying to find a job so we could settle in before Christmas but it hasn't really worked out to plan so far. I have a job starting in January trying to get people to donate to charity-its $20 an hour so I'm not too bothered!! Brian is still searching! To be honest its worked out well though because our friend Paul has come to stay with us over Christmas so we're able to spend all our time with him while he's with us! Since he arrived we've basically done all of the tourist things, art gallaries, Melbourne 360 with views over the city and loads of other things. Its been nice having someone else with us over Christmas-plus we didn't want Paul being by himself over Christmas!! We've planned a lovely Christmas day together and we're going to have a feast!!!
We bought decorations the other day to make the flat look a bit more festive and they are probably the worst ones we have ever seen-but it makes a feel a bit more like Christmas!! We bought a Christmas tree sticker as we thought it would cover the entire wall-but when we took it out of the packet it ws about 15 inches tall!!! At least we have a tree!!
Its just not the same being here but we're going to make the most of it-we've ordered a turkey and bought ourselves a few presents to open on Christmas day!
Thanks to people who have sent us a card and left messages on our wall. We hope everyone has a lovely Christmas and an amazing new year!
Lots of Love
Laura and Brian (and Paul!!)
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