Okay so this is about to be my last journal entry ever - one, two, three ..... awwwww. I'm sure you're all extremely sad to hear this, but also happy at the same time as I'm coming home tomorrow, woohoo!!
The last few weeks have been amazing. We spent 9 nights altogether on the islands - 5 on Koh Phangnan and 5 on Koh Samui .. such …
Hello special people!
As I'm sure you're all aware - I'm off with the girlies on an exciting adventure, travelling around Asia for 2 whole months. I'll be visiting China, Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand ... actually can't wait! Obviously gonna miss you all billions and billions, but this travel journal is a great way for me to keep in touch and let you know how I'm getting on (and what mischief I'm getting upto he he!). So please enjoy all the piccies and updates ...
Lots of…
Hello special people!
As I'm sure you're all aware - I'm off with the girlies on an exciting adventure, travelling around Asia for 2 whole months. I'll be visiting China, Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand ... actually can't wait! Obviously gonna miss you all billions and billions, but this travel journal is a great way for me to keep in touch and let you know how I'm getting on (and what mischief I'm getting upto he he!). So please enjoy all the piccies and updates ...
Lots of love,
Nags x x x
Okay so this is about to be my last journal entry ever - one, two, three ..... awwwww. I'm sure you're all extremely sad to hear this, but also happy at the same time as I'm coming home tomo…
Okay so we're in Chiang Mai right now - it's absolutely gorgeous here ... so chilled and laid back, just what the doctor ordered. We flew here having arrived in Bangkok early on Thursday morni…
Well .. where to begin?! The last few days have been amazing and for that reason I'm sure they'll stick in my memory for a long time to come. So our trip along the Mekong Delta up to Cambodi…
Right so we spent a couple of days in Hoi An where we just generally chilled out, shopped and munched on some really yummy food. A pretty quiet town compared to others we've visited though s…
Okay so i've been mega busy since my last journal entry and that's probably why it's been so long since I entered one (go figure!). Arrived in Hong Kong last Sunday - was very excited when o…
AWH thank you so so so much for my postcard!!! It brought a little tear to my eye and so pretty and Pink.
Glad u r still having a good time- you sound so busy going to all these exciting new places.
Currently counting the days til you are home- can not wait!!!
Lots of love
Caz xx
Hey lau sorry for the lack of message posting. Hope you are well. Looking forward to seeing you soon. Just a quick note to say i got a 2.1 yesterday..... Thinking of you
hey huni, you actually made me laugh out loud with your journal entry and then I had to tell everyone at work why I was laughing, but you know when it just doesn't sound funny when you repeat it and then they all think you are a wierdo-thats what happened! Well I went to visit Amy on last weekend in her new flat-its fab! Had such a good time, did loads of shopping, went to McDonalds on the Bristol road for drive thru and the Bullring, made me reminisce about uni-really miss it! I get my keys on Friday, so excited, can't wait for you guys to get home and come see it. Well you are still obviously having a blast, so enjoy. Loadsa love, xxxxx
I am with your mum on the water front laura lou- STAY AWAY FROM IT!!!!!!!
I think I would have actually had a nervous breakdown if that was me. Apart from that you seem like you are still having such a good time with so many adventures!!!
London is hot hot hot (well raining today but still hot) missing u loads and can not wait4 you to get back!
Lots of love Caz
Oh my god Laura, please stay away from water. You Lauren and boats of any type are not a good combination. Hope you are ok - I presume u are, if not you would have rung. Apart from your mishap everything sounds wonderful. Just waiting for Daddy to go off to the airport, Em is babysitting for the Gurvitz's and Josh has gone to Lillie's ice skating Batmitzvah party. Boring old me is goin g to stay at home n mark history books. Can't believe only 2 weeks until you come home. Saw 2 possible jobs in JC this week, shall I ring for details? Well going to go n say bye to Dad. Em n Josh gave hom cards n 2 books for Fathers Day next Sun to take with. Take care, stay away from water n boats. All my love n hugs, Mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Laura
How ru ? wow ur journal sounds incredible, hope ur having a fab time!
The office misses u...I'm getting used to the high standards you set for me here ;-)
thanks for all the help and tips you gave me!
come visit when ur back and rested
love ilana
Hi Lau. Good to read Lauren's journal and know that you are all ok. Things here are good. Went back to school today and had circus skills workshop - bet you didn't know I could plate spin and balance a peacock feather on my finger. No neitherdid I!!!! Tomorrow I learn how to play steel pans, watch this space!! Great to have Em home altho it feels like she never went. Mind you she hasn't been here much. Her photos are great, hundreds of them...
Spoke to Alexis, such a shame she didn't get the job at First School. Well got to go to bed, am shattered. Willl email properly maybe tomorrow. Carry on with your adventures in Cambodia and stay safe.
Lots of love n hugs Mumxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hello Miss Nags!
OK first of all I have purchased our tickets- yay beyond excited for that!
Secondly- the lauren and u story sounds like the funniest thing ever- I actually laughed out loud when I read your email and imagined that scenario! Brilliant
Keep the emails coming. Missing u lots
Love Caz xxxx
hiya, how did you manage to calm Lauren down in the middle of the ocean? or was it a river? You are a true friend!! So pleased that you girlies are having so much fun. Great reading your journal entries.lots of love xxxxxxxx
Hi Lau. Missin u lots. Your trip is sounding better each time u write, shame about the weather. I love reading Lauren n Katie's logs too, altho Lauren was a little more descriptive about the kayak trip, you certainly know how to worry a mum!!!! went to Maxwell's party yesterday, lots of elderly people, sy no more!!!
Feeling v.bogged down with reports at the mment, no fun!! Spoke to Lex, she's got an interview at S. Lane 1st School, how funny if she gets it?? Well got to go more reports to write. Carry on havin a wonderful time (at least the kagoul is getting worn) Take care. Love n hugs Mumxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi my intrepid traveller. Was great to speak to u on Sun, you sound so happy. By now u should b in Cambodia n I bet the weather is better than here, I went to Thames Barrier with my class today, I think they might have to raise it soon if it carries on raining. Had a gr8 day despite being wind swept n wet but I am exhausted. Pauline came to fix your blind yesterday, looks fab! Em comes home in 8 days, sooooo excited, can't wait for all the Naglis to b back together. Well take care of each other n continue having amazing experiences. All my love n hugs Mumxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx PS Did u get to see Mickey Mouse?
Hello!!!!!! Sorry i haven't been in touch for a while its all been abit crazy! i was on a course last week and it was so hard i would much rather have been enjoying myself in sunny china! it has been rain, rain and more rain the past few days its so depressing and my office at work leeks so i keep getting wet!! on the plus side i get the keys to my flat on friday i am so excited, cant wait for you to come and visit when you are home.
Well take care and keep having lots of fun. miss you lots xxx