Para mi clase de Arte, hoy visitamos La Mezquita del Cristo de la Luz. Es un edificio de los musulmanes para rezar. Cuando los cristianos la reconstruyen, usaron el edificio como la entra. Los árabes usaron los elementos más importantes en sus edificios los arcos de ladrillo y yeso. En el frente hay arcos dobles pero a dentro, hay arcos herraduras. A dentro de la mezquita hay 9 "cuadros" con diferencias en los arcos, para mostrar la imprtancia. El edificio está situado hacia Córdoba, no hacia Meca, para rezar. El gran cuarto tuvo el Karan. Este edificio es de piedra, ladrillo, y yeso porque estas cosas era bonita, barata, y available. Es un edificiomás guapo.
For my art class today we visited the Mezquita of Christ of the Light.It is a building constructed for the Muslims to pray.When the Christians reconstructed it, they used the building as an entrance to the city.The arabics used most important elements in their buildings like the arches of brick and concrete.In the front, there are double arches, but inside, there are horseshoe like arches.Within the Mezquita there are 9 rooms with differences in the arches, showing their importance. (Only certain rooms were for women, while men got the more ornate spaces).The building is situated towards Córdoba, not towards the Mecca, for prayer.The great room held the sacred Karan.This building is made of stone, bricks, and concrete because these things were attractive, cheap, and available.It's a very beautiful building.We also had the opportunity to see the Roman entrance to Toledo and its view of the city.
Todo de mi amor (all of my love)
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